Saturday, February 5, 2011

double punch
in the chest and neck
while I worship
the artist's memoir
(great--but a brat!)
and I mean literally--
I must've slept
on it wrong I swear
I feel the way
I imagine meningitis feeling--

I envy the courage
you were able to summon
to produce anything--
I was Martha to your Mary
I took care of business
while you did The Work--
but I benefit from
the insights--yes we've both
figured some things out--

Still you had more to lose
and that loosened your hand

smote because an identity
wore out like the crotch
of some pants
I see you
tying mites out of the air
binding them in aspiration

but I stayed home and wrote
while every spirit
in earth strutted to your service
belle of the ball
the geek dancing
in South Jersey bars
while I mock you now
reading your tales
and remembering
a different scene

so I put it aside
and turn out the light
turning over carefully
for that aching neck

another day I didn't ask for
draws down on the fading pages

Content (c) 2008-2011 Philip Milito

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