Monday, February 14, 2011

beware the Mass Mind--

the 'good decent' folk who'd lynch you in a second--

those who'd destroy your freedom for the sake of their bigotries-

those who'd tell you not to judge the mites

in one's eyes when you have them in yours--

but I say that how evil and hypocrisy get in--

that's how the Mass Mind will control you

and cast you out if need be--cementing their social norms--

none are clean--yet we are called to serve others--

if no one is called on their mites then who will do it?

the God in heaven who weeps with us?

call out mites if you see mites--taking yours to task also--

and let the bigoted hateful Mass Mind

pluck out its own eyes if it be offended--

Content (c) 2008-2011 Philip Milito.

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