Tuesday, February 21, 2012

the strange thing about a blog

is the different imaginings there must be of who I am

someone may be reading me day after day

(someone must be...my stats are high enough)

and another will read something I wrote

two years ago (may be in a different head...

maybe more of my usual 'themes')

and say "How true!" or "What is this shit?"

and either way they may be wrong or right

but only their imaginations

can fill in the blank of the 'profile pix' field

and that is the Philip Milito they know

while I can be anyone I choose to want to be

while being this response nerve that is always me

go ahead and keep reading

(as long as reading exists)

there are as many of me as there are of you

and sometimes I'll write and you'll read

the same thing at the same time

and be One in that...

Content (c) 2008-2012 Philip Milito.

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