Monday, February 27, 2012

do you really need to be told

at this late date

what is happening to you

in the groove of your fate?

am I the one to tell you?

who appointed me teacher and provocateur

in the name of a faith

I myself can barely trust?

if you want relief go elsewhere

if you want despair come to me

I defy every edit of warning

because I've gotten resentful

paying for sins without end

if God thinks He'll regain

our love and devotion He's sadly mistaken

His own inexorable law

is 'like begets like'

and how can we transcend when all he can do

is rub our noises in the very shit

from which we are trying to transcend?

join me here in the depths of our pleasures

they are scant and swift...and more precious for it...

and if God wants us so badly

and does not will us to perish

then let Him get off His throne

and show the very things

He demands of us

otherwise let Him blame Himself for everything

for which he takes no responsibility

even as he'll always pass the liability off on us

join me

our tiny time is infinite

in comfort against the inevitable

and the pain of its inevitability...

Content (c) 2008-2012 Philip Milito.

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