Saturday, January 14, 2012

life's a lesson I'm loathe to learn

because I have some unreasonable degree of hope

and I don't know why

given what I know of the earth

it is not ours to give up

it is not ours to speculate

it is ours to trudge on to whatever happens

and the lack of mortal certainty does not sustain me

never before have I seen the things of this world

with such clarity and

never before have I felt so unequal to participate

in all that is here for our edification

or our purification should we choose the fiery bath

of renewal or the dark ashes of our comfortable graves

since I'm so loathe to accept my punishment

and my penance then should I lay like Lazarus

prepare a bit for what must be undergone

and what meditation will reveal of its meaning

afterward since we are called on to try by ourselves

though we know little or nothing but the divine demands

but our own imperfect exegesis except I feel no lack

in not knowing or that I'd prefer the rack at all

life's a lesson to learn in time and it's only now that time...

Content (c) 2008-2012 Philip Milito.

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