Sunday, January 15, 2012

you know it wasn't a bad thing to let you go

oh the stupid shallow hugs and kisses

had worn thin by the end of the first month

and all your correspondence demanded

was tributes and declarations

how tiresome to re-assemble

your broken English with every try

to go deeper

be more real

and get incomprehensible cloying chatter

causing a drawing in my head

like pus in an infected wound

no I didn't waste too much time on you

but to have wasted any time on you

is a shame on me and such an attitude could only be

an insult to you


it's about time you learned the insincerity

of men and their lusts

such as your numerous suitors

idle sons of privilege with plenty of time

to play your games with you

while they loaf on a family fortune

for me it was different

it was enjoying the surface play

of scent and possibility

while knowing its falsity from experience

(how age protects some of us from our folly)

but still I had better things to do

age and experience also make one weary

a life of travails to the bitter end and for what?

to be grateful to die finally?

no it wasn't a bad thing letting you go

someday if you live long enough to be a hag

you won't remember a thing about me

except my absence as you wonder

"now who was that?"

no not a bad thing at all...

Content (c) 2008-2012 Philip Milito.

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