Thursday, November 5, 2015


you know there are many of us

who are not plugged into the grid

we do things the way things have been done

for years before this technological matrix

put us in clear view of this era's masters 

of the universe...

we refused to be made into cyphers

we dissent from the anti-christ kingdom

of business and finance and strict quantified of this generation have brought this on

and think it's perfectly o.k....and will only break

when your natural hungers break out

and oh all the futile explaining you'll undergo...

forgive the rest of us if you find yourself

expelled from the system you slavishly praised

and are not all that merciful in our consideration

of your could have done so much

in the name of good and choose not to...

but we'll take you in and teach you

the way natural life has always been...

a cluster-fuck of power and greed

that you thought yourself heir to...

but without the stranglehold of science

to keep you in your place and deceive you into thinking

your life has value...join us in the actuality of Reality

and see if you can get over...

we've seen your type before and must trust in early May

you'll refute those orders from the DA....

Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.

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