Tuesday, November 17, 2015


will you simpletons wake up?

you non-contributng thatches of shit

who sit in your cafes and act superior

to the apocalypse going on around you

because you live in some fantasy dome

that "we'll win and can I have another of those coquettes?""

9/11 was enough? the london subways weren't enough?

the Boston Marathon blown to shit wasn't enough?

a Russian plan exploded by a small bomb in the name of Allah

Paris in flames and whatever unmitigated evil isn't enough?

God damn you your smug self-righteousness isn't enough reason

to understand people like you make this a time for the West to pony up

for it's bad karma you unbelievable unacceptable pigs hurling down the chute

while you and these jihadist pigs struggle for what hotter hell in which to die....

Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.

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