Monday, February 17, 2014


the world is enough to make me want to lie down and die

so hopeless to work toward some justice in life

when the Lord of Life demands this wretched state of affairs

as the way to learn what is just or unjust

and how even the best intent is foul and disruptive

of healing that will cure whatever strand of karma that

need be corrected and amended and repented and atoned for...

it is not ours to is not ours to say...

we put ourselves aside

and find ourselves in response to the needy other

who is us in a different skin and on a different path

when we are passed learning...when we know we are One in this...

only then do we act with the one true accord...only then do we stop

wishing to lie down and die....

Content (c) 2008-2014 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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