Sunday, September 29, 2013

I won't be unhappy

to leave this life...

whatever the actuality

of my being

whatever graces save

or sins need expiation

anything's better this sojourn

an empty promise of deliverance

is still a promise

and a delusion...then so what?

life itself is a cold vicious fraud

and all we do is serve our own pride

when we open our pitiful mouths

to speak against it as if we'd figured something out...

life's short enough...

let these windbags deceive others...all we do piles up

on our shoulders...and if there's any promise

that is not some fine fakery it is the one

we make to ourselves to be stronger wiser and braver

to carry it when next we walk the earth...

Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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