Thursday, September 5, 2013


it's been a long long time

since I looked at Dr. Williams

back in my day

his mastery of common speech

was a great touchstone

for many of us young'uns coming up

but now that I've gotten old

I read him with renewed appreciation

of the insights unlocked by his tongue and his ear

now I understand him and see as experience

what once were ruminations on ever-approaching life

while the schoolmarms

fashioned a canon based on their prejudices

and their ambitions

and...being vasemakers all...

see finally up a vase for the good doctor

he supplied the rose to put in it

and all lifelong attempts at shattering vases...

trained by the doctor but pig-headedly breaking

rules on my own (the vanity of I see it now

but am stuck with the life's worth of collateral damage)

well I smashed those vases to free and deliver the rose

even if it was to its own doom...

even this is contained in Imagination...

I hope I've done him and other not too great

a dishonor...

Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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