Monday, June 11, 2012


Ackerman died years ago

whose portal Famous Monsters led many of us

to the treasure trove of imaginative literature and cinema

that shaped countless generations of visionaries

to express their vision straight from the vatic source

now Bradbury has passed off the planet

(not unexpected but still one of those Permanent Sad Days

in the history of our race--always unbearably sad

when a Master is taken from us)

the last man standing is Harryhausen

whose work shaped the filmmakers we kowtow before

in this generation...

(and all three standing on the shoulders

of the giant O'Brien

who with The Lost World and Kong pretty much invented

cinematography as we know it today--

literally invented the techniques and concepts

behind all the visual wizardry we take for granted today)

when Harryhausen goes that will be it

and for those of us who were given to be alive

in the age of miracles they had wrought

nothing will ever be of such value evr again...

Content (c) 2008-2012 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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