Monday, May 7, 2012

friends of mine get disturbed sometimes
about posts like the one just previous to this one and others

where I explore all the violent contrasts
of a single intention and all the repercussions

but I assure them there's no 'blasphemy' in it
it's just the way the damn thing's built

hasn't it been said that "God's Will is our woe?"
and so it is and Creator alone knows why

this terrible way is the way it had to be...

according to some esotericists we live in this conditioned
reality (and especially in this particular world) under the beams of

Ray 4--Harmony Through Conflict
where all these strains of agony we endure encourage growth

and spur a new synthesis for good...

so as the One says "I AM THAT I AM"

and there's no use complaining
but rather than long for death to escape

from these horrible earthly sojourns and these worn bodies
and all these unrelenting processes

it might be better to see these deaths as release of the soul
to continue its ongoing journey

and even higher dimensions have their conditions where
Harmony will be the result of a Conflict's resolution

oh my friends no story ever ends except in the One
we can only imagine as the Void...

Content (c) 2008-2012 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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