Thursday, July 1, 2010



You--who wish to know nothing about me
I love more than family friends or lovers


My eyes examine angles and
Corners where planes of
Walls and ceilings join

Imagining a shape to the universe


Well I've fallen
I've failed
Now you all can
Point your fingers and snicker
Now you can laugh
As all my plans
Turn into mere talk
And you cocksuckers
Hating me for the
Pettiest of reasons
Can gloat over
What you think is
My come-uppance
It would be nice
To say you bastards
Haven't gotten yours yet
You haven't
But I've been at
Your mercy for so long
I've lost my class
And now I'll show you
As much mercy as you've
Shown me
When you fall
I'll duff the high-toned nobility
And join the laughter
And the finger-pointing
It's so much more gratifying
Than mercilessly brooding
Over my reductions By you in this world
Damn you all


Everyone has had their day
Everyone has had their say
Nothing remains to be done
But sit back and criticize
The ones coming after us
The ones who'll make their play
And fuck up everything
Worse than we did--
Who did such a thorough job--


Angry that the wicked profit
I'm finding what
That anger makes of me

One day again scales will fall
And I'll have own up
To my contribution to their success


At the end of time and Your patience--
Is Your face a blur in the imagination
My pain pleads to unavailing?--
Forgiveness? Mercy?
I ponder Your precision of denial
As I straddle some abyss
Tongues of flames flicking up
And licking my balls--
One foot in this world
One foot in the next
And belonging in neither place--
Why do You prolong this agony-
You who murder us then bid us rise?


In the winter night
Ghosts stalk the whipping snowflakes
Giving definition to the air--

Their moods shaping chance--
Their vision a greed in the mind's eye
Blinking in the blinding wind--

It must be so or else
Why does no effort matter--
So crowded and hounded on the empty street?


I beseech in fear
Knowing false every image to which I pray
And Truth whole and complete
Beyond our scope--
What can be hoped for?

God? Satan?
Which mask exiled from their disciples
Showing no mercy or pity?

If this is our only choice
Then who help us?


What seethes in me
That finds no outlet?
What burns and drives me
To some black abyss of terror?
What so shakes me I cannot lie at peace
In my ordinary hovel
Wondering what I'll trip myself on next?

In a solid blaze of black fire
I shift in my white ashes
Bitter the prayer and bitter the silence
While I set myself to destroying
Every love that proves I've done wrong--


Don't give your love away so freely
Trust no word that can be spoken
Accept no excuse or explanation
Involve yourself with hunger
And that's the last you'll see of mercy

Don't give your love away so freely
Trust no unfulfilled and hurt memory
Accept no expedient yearning
We do not escape from our skins
And merge in some timeless place

Don't give your love away so freely
Trust no assurance born of desperation
Accept no gift you haven't earned
No two minds are in complete accord
One will feel hurt and one will feel cheated

Don't give your love away so freely
Trust no advice from the talkative
Accept no direction from the blind
It's a long way to get back
If you don't know where you've been

Don't give your love away so freely

Expose your heart to all
And shiver at the empty sheaths
Accept no praise or scorn
Trust no lovers or idols
Don't give your love away so freely


Knowing without wisdom or understanding
I carried each dissembling
Like a cross
Raging uselessly
Amid throngs of the hypnotized
Trying to waken them
To the sinless sunshine of blood and awe

But the world breaks against
The breaking flesh
Blinded by vanity but not yet hurt
Enough to renounce
I span spirit and flesh
Like a careless acrobat
Unable to tell
What any of us are dying to become--


What to make of it?

The child who expected
A salvation by miracle
Grew to be consumed in his madness

The child who expected
The Spirit to live his life for him
Grew to forget every learned lesson

The child who expected
To be reduced to ashes
Grew to be burned out in his pride

Oh One--forgive--
I've as much to remember
As I have to learn

In a world that was never
Attentive to Your Word
And now on some insane brink

What to make of it?


After the monsoon
Stars through tears in the clouds
Rushing over the mirrored streets
No one out this warm Spring morning
The last quarter moon horns like a fang
Through a break over the pre-dawn horizon

Fate in pursuit
Of the trophy of my skull
We lose what we most want
When we play it too close to the vest
Fate extracting its total price as I drain out
Like blood through a stent


Deterioration set in
I ate mushrooms and saw
What I saw as the face of God
Manifesting through the passage
Of time and the ebb of matter

So impossible since then

Tightly awake on some ledge
The air breaks in my hand
My eyes can't focus

I blur like a chameleon
Into the facts of the One's world

[End of Part II]

Content (c) 2008-2010 Philip Milito.

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