Saturday, November 23, 2013


every little discovery

of a fact previously unknown

launches an attack of vertigo...

the past long fixed and accepted becomes new

and all we thought we knew spins

in our brains like shocks of a pod

sticking out of the true reality

to shatter our picture of it...

take your pick...JFK assassination...9-11 as no surprise

to those awake to the news between the lines...

we don't even remember where we were or how

before the eruption of the event

forever replacing knowledge with fear and speculation...

and doubting what is real after all....

John Lennon said..."The more real you become

the more unreal the world becomes..."

and with every new revelation our capacity for delusion

fades in the emptiness of actuality...

Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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