Tuesday, April 19, 2011

so this is how it comes down--

oh well--all our earthly time is measured out

and my love--out of that spoonful

we've made--not memories--but eternal realities

that will hold us in good stead--(and only more so

the less aware of such we are--)

somewhere an Eye watches--

somewhere an Ear hears--no--listens--

and we hear a Breathing we think is the wind--or blood rushing

in the blood vessels of our ears--

or our own breathing in the stillness of night

as we lie together in the bed of our living love--

no madness on earth will destroy this--though it will

make it harder to bear than the Ineffable would have it--

but what do we know of this Ineffable but that we move

and love and live within it--and of it--and by its very sustenance--

never forget my love

we are--all lovers are--its issue--

and all who honor their love will be honored--

this is how it comes down--

the whole content of our living in a single frame

that dissolves into awareness beyond vision--

and tears will subside--sobbing will stop--

and the weariness of our life will fade into the calm

of the only present instant we ever know--

and there my love

is our love--

there is Love itself--

Content (c) 2008-2011 Philip Milito.

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