Monday, April 11, 2011


The controversy about this trip to China by Dylan is one of the most unbelievable displays of vicious stupidity that the old boy has ever aroused. Enough intelligent writers and readers have spoken up and given this crooked playing field a degree of level ground.

But it remains that the Media (and those powerless little shits who worship the notion of telling the world off through whatever available means and thereby, worship the notion of being part of any media manipulation) have decreed that it is time again to take Dylan down! He's past his expiration; more than ever, we can't stand his voice (after he spent a lifetime trying to sound like an old bluesman ready and willing to die on the road, these 'fans' run screaming into the night, clutching their ears!); he should retire (as if someone were putting a gun to your head and ordering you to buy tickets to his show!); he didn't stand up for Weiwei la-la; he didn't do what governments around the world refused to do; he sold out! He didn't do what we demanded of him, and now we're out to take him down! (That idiot from the Human Rights Watch: "Dylan should be ashamed for not singing 'Blowin' in the Wind and 'Times They Are A-changin'" What's the problem, birdbrain? 'A Hard Rain' and 'Desolation Row, let alone 'Change My Way Of Thinkin', aren't 'subversive enough for you? Idiot!)

And of course, our endlessly pompous, arrogant cousins across the pond--they still can't accept that their 1000 years are well up. I thought Maureen Dowd's piece in the New York Times was a truly moronic piece of drivel, but lo, some idiot from the Independent named Joan Smith really topped everything off; I wonder how old she is; I tend to think she's rather young, and schooled in the ignorance of her betters. Protest has given Dylan his living? Excuse me? His 'protest', such as it ever was, lasted about a year and a half, implying that for this twit, Dylan the visionary poet, Dylan the snide surrealist hipster, Dylan the mountain mystic of the Basement Tapes, Dylan the country squire, Dylan the divorced wanderer, Dylan the born-again preacher, Dylan the the Jeremiah of Shot of Love and Infidels, Dylan the searcher of lost gifts, Dylan the renewed, Dylan the Master performer, Dylan the Archivist, etc., etc, doesn't exist, at least as far as her agenda is concerned. I mean really, 1/100th of his career taken up with this and you make it sound like he's never done anything else.

He said nothing about Weiwei and human rights? Did he have to?;He knows the meaning of his historical standing; he knew he didn't have to say a word to focus attention on this matter--knowing you all would do the heavy lifting--he manipulating you while you think you're chastising him!

He 'meekly performed'? I direct Ms Smith and other 'Flat Earthers' to the comments to 'Human Watch Birdbrain' made above. Hard Rain too subtle for you? Desolation Row? For Christ's sake, he ended his show with "Ballad of a Thin Man'! Joan Smith, are you braindead or what?

Media works to restrain someone by putting an easy label on them, and constantly throwing that label in their face if they ever act up, or outgrow it and move on with their lives; a kind of way of controlling someone and keeping them in their place, because all media does is serve
the business and financial Powers that rule the earth.

And so, they will always, always, always hate Dylan. They will never bring him, and when he does pass away, and one of the most amazing artists to ever walk the earth is no longer with us, just wait until after the fawning eulogies, for the talkback maggots to crawl out and pick his carcass clean. The haters getting in their last licks. It won't matter. Aside from the permanence of his work, the idea of Dylan that his own living engendered, will also endure. As already given, he will outlast friend and foe alike--he already has, he always will.

Content (c) 2008-2011 Philip Milito.

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