Wednesday, April 27, 2011

harms come

and healings go

the body

and the soul

will preserve themselves

if left to the mercy of peace


for those with ears to hear

let him stuff them now--

like the rich man in hell beseeching the Master

to show his damnation to his family

that they would repent and not follow him there

and Jesus pretty much saying What? nothing I do

will convince them!

I too know better--the Hebrews saw plagues pillars of fire

and parted seas and still fell before the Calf once Moses

went up the mountain to receive the Laws from the Almighty--

giving in to their childish hungers and fears--

stuff your ears now--lest you are reminded too much of yourselves...


we explain all and signify nothing

but I must leave the conversation--

a smile on the street enticed me

and i must follow her where she goes


no freedom

no restraints

just moving in the precise vectors

of your own being


who but the One knows when the last time I look at the moon

from this body will be?

who knows when the Moment of Release will come

that I may leave all I've loved and hated?

that moment could come at any moment!

I've wrestled with what I've hated--

in the time that remains to me I'd rather

remember and celebrate all I've loved!

and who--including the One--could give me any better advice?

Content (c) 2008-2011 Philip Milito.

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