Monday, December 2, 2013


yes it's always here and now but look!

look at all that happens in a single moment

anywhere in the world!

train crashes happen as others awaken

in the quiet Sunday morning

and their peace is shattered the minute

they turn on the radio...

suicide bombers take as many as they can

with them into their bogus graves

while miles away a mother awakes in a hospital bed

to the cries of her new-born...

and what can be said? this is eternal...this is

the permanent pattern

and it only seems new to the young and yet-to-learn...

and if you wish to enlighten...wish to sing of it...

wish to teach and guide these souls into their sojourn

you would stop worrying about being trite or brilliant...

and do what you do from your ever-renewing heart

because that is also a part of the permanent template...

and always here and now is the passing away and coming to be

in one each life....

Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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