Monday, October 1, 2012

it's not going to be a New Golden Age

the spiritual vibrations may be higher for those

attuned to such things

but here on earth

here in the flesh

it'll just be just be another age

of ignorance and hatred and fear

ruining all good that enlightened people

are striving to attain

do I sound mandrian? am I an elitist?

very well then so I am

God calls us to something higher

then damns us for striving higher

God is no better than His whole damned creation

and if that's the case then why bust your ass?

all liability is on us

so let's attend to our own business

and if the holy wish to make their pompous pronouncements let them

and if the dull and ever earthbound wish to wreck every holy attempt

then let them

let everyone rot where they drop let them pop with their bubbles

nothing on earth will ever change nor was it ever supposed to...

stumble on with life on earth as we'll always know it

each New Golden Age is dug up centuries later

for the edification of ignoramuses

it's not going to be any different here in the world...

Content (c) 2008-2012 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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