Saturday, September 29, 2012

I’ve always felt that fate had never given me a break.

But then, it seems almost all the rest of humanity is in the same condition, but for an indeterminate few who seem blessed with every move they make, (and who knows how they achieved that status; they are too few in number to register the radar of the rest of us.)

So thus is the so-called Human Condition; an endless stream of bad luck, unconsidered moves, desperate plunges out of alleged sanity, pain of loss, fear of gain, bewilderment in the face of every single moment of decision, lust firing up the hope of a species to rise above the wreck with an ecstasy of titivating nerve endings snapping within the loins, despair dousing that fire and leaving a cold ash of remorse smothering in a closet of prayer and hopelessness, only to end in a calm or violent closing of the eyes.

And out of this suffering comes Mercy? Repentance? Forgiveness? Grace? Peace? (Dare I say…)Blessedness? Dissolving barriers of earth and an opening to the sky?
And all of it right here in the ruining flesh, atonement revealing the unbearable Face?

Mystery of all that animates creation…my body is well aware of the former.

May my soul survive its travails and quests to learn the Truth of the latter.

Content (c) 2008-2012 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.  

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