Saturday, September 1, 2012

I don’t listen to the winds or the tides or shells
Cracking under the weight of my soles

I hear nothing but the white noise of silence
That attends the blank vision that blurs this seashore

Blends this sky and this sea in one paisley cataract
Drawing all hues and brightness to a spot

On some distant fading that obscures the borders
Of horizons and constructs and the skin’s limitations

And so it is I pass one time with memories of another time
In the single great instant that defines my only identity
As I walk through all the moments that windowed into this actuality

Permanent with such permanence as there is and will be
As it was in the beginning end endlessly upon end opening on to
This blur I am to someone else not listening to wind and sea

Content (c) 2008-2012 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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