Wednesday, June 1, 2011

when your time is passed

look forward to the realms beyond earth--

if your work is finished--withdraw--

if your love is spent--rest in your own weariness--

if your life is going--and it is--instant by instant--

then prepare for a longer haul you either

don't believe in while you're in flesh--

or mistaken for some comfortable picture

you have in mind--

truth may be relative and you'll feel entitled to your belief

but there is a place where all will be leveled

before an Absolute Reality--

the wise will let go of their imaginings and accept--

others will cling tighter to them and perish--

and the Ineffable--that King of the Disclaimer--

will do what you had no power to do--

for me--each sunset recalls so many others

each dusty day a continuation of One Ultimate Summer Day--

and high-piled thunderheads

glimmer darkly at the end of day--

for me--each moment brings me closer to an ultimate

and that is only the fruit of this earthly perspective--

whatever we go on to--it is still a long trek

to get back to from where we went out--

we keep going--knowing no other way...

Content (c) 2008-2011 Philip Milito.

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