Thursday, June 4, 2015


pursuant my flippant previous post

Jenner certainly gets more traction by being famous than some farm boy in the Midwest who thinks his life isn't authentic and saves his money for the switch, but has to go back to the hounding and small mindedness of his family and friends...a WAY harder row to hoe...which is why I thought of Christine Jorgenson 60 or so years ago...being the first one to do the media of the time spun her and what the public reaction was (most likely not as kind or tolerant as now...)

this is most likely a continuation of the celebrity ego that needs all eyes on it...and whatever lot and power goes with it (and she'll make out like the proverbial bandit...already that other crack whore Kim is advising her on fashion...'nuff said)...

to the ones without the ones who make this brave move without the glare of a spotlight on them...will they benefit? who will celebrate them when a gang of cretins beats and murders them? or throws them on subway tracks in (of all places) New York City...the hip capital of the world? my heart is with them...THERE is the struggle to live in a world full of psychopathic reactionaries...

SHOULD be a wake-up call...since these maniacs aren't choosy about who they'll off...

now as ever...walk your talk...but don't let a pitiful ego invite trouble you don't need...unless you're ready to sink down to their level and kill them before they get to you...welcome to the New World....

(P.S. I STILL think she's hot...a better looking woman than he was a man...but even THAT is a part of the so-called 'conversation"...foolish old goat...let's leave it for now...others have worse problems than this...or do I really have to drag in the thousands dead in Africa or the Middle East?)

Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.

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