Saturday, May 2, 2015

I've ceased to care how I'll ultimately end up

if the One who demands I do right

punishes me for doing right

then just try telling me that

life isn't a sick joke at best

curse your god all you want

but you're only cursing yourself

you are still at war with the god of your imagination

that cartoon in your mind to whom you project

all your bitterness and self-hatred

but the Real Deal is equally unmercifully neutral

leaving on our constant and weak evolution

damages that wreck all the progress

that would teach us otherwise

oh the One is the One and nothing remedies that

and this sick painful way is how we go

and how we learn hoping not to lose the lesson

if all the good I do doesn't matter

then it doesn't matter what I do

it's on us and that alone should wake us from our thousand years slumber

Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.

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