Wednesday, June 8, 2016


you've done enough damage

let healing be

and healing will be

let love truly forgive

and all will be forgiven

and how strange to find this out

how all this goodness is true

and so many years living with it

and not really seeing it....

Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.


Unknown said...

May you rest in peace, Philip, valued friend & poet.
I just heard of your passing this evening, from Ali.
I shall miss you dearly. We were thick & fast NYC friends, dating from the '80s.
As I asked, when we last chatted a few weeks ago, do send me a sign from that 'other side.'

Yours, in the best spirit ~ keep an eye on me,

Maureen E. Mulvihill
29 June 2016.

Unknown said...

See comment, above, submitted 29 June 2016.