Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Saturn and the South Node

will meet in my 12th House

in about 7 or so more years

and if it doesn't kill me outright

it will probably be a time

when all my skeletons

fall out in a heap

like the stuff in Fibber McGee's closet

and those bony jaws

will sink what remaining teeth into my ass

and I'll pay every price I incurred through my life

and give me my final fall from grace

or so I suppose

I never got on top of it

I could never straighten anything out

but for all that talk of

self-determination through the pre-built mazes

of my intractable fate

I know I approach a finish line

with my idea of God waiting

with a wreath and a stopwatch

and the function of sending me along

the path from which I vainly tried to swerve

and then...and then...and then...what call

putting me in a winner's circle

or being just another also-ran statistic?

Content (c) 2008-2012 Philip Milito. All right reserved.

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