Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Seek ye first the good things of the mind, and the rest will either be supplied or its loss will not be felt. – Francis Bacon.

“Cursed is he that does not know when to shut his mind.” –Samuel Butler.

So, you want to know why I hate the world today. Do you understand I am not talking about the Earth, that cruel planet of pain and beauty beyond description, but of the world that we—oh lopsided crown of Creation—make of it with our limited comprehension and our limitless egotism? Would you begin to get it if I started to say why I am so disinclined to praise the mess we’ve made, and will continue to make in all our days here?

I withstood a lot of crap trying to make myself understood—that I wasn’t some mandarin moron nodding sweetly on some mountaintop about ‘suchness’—another way of saying ‘ain’t that the shit?’—‘who’d a thunk it?’

I go crazy looking at every facet of every actuality from every possible angle and even then—so what? I could have stumbled on the True Secret Of Life—and still wind up being just another county heard from! And who else would listen, except to hear key words and phrases to hang a self-satisfying argument upon? “Oh, I don’t believe that! In MY HUMBLE OPINION (yeah, right!)...

Oh what bullshit our so-called Oneness lets us in for…

I came up at a time when the Great Poets (not the academy-approved vase makers) drew from Hosea, Isaiah and Jeremiah...the Ginsbergs, the Rexroth...Kenneth Patchen especially...the one most put down by the fake custodians of our so-called culture...who came out like the old-time 'Voices Crying In The Wilderness' and spoke from a moral stand that no longer exists...not now when every murderous liar thinks he's a Law Unto Himself!  Listen to It's Alright Ma...these days it's reduced to an empty grammar school lesson...a balm for children that will turn into a grand lie when they grow up and rationalize their place in the Machine...used to comfort themselves that their ethics are straight even as they screw someone else out of their potage (look that up and don't think you're absolved with an easy "T'was ever thus!")

A Jeremiad...here and now?! Forget it...the entire past of our egomaniacal race is wiped clean...but the sins persist at the roots of each of us! There will never be Peace on Earth...we were never meant to stay here! And the future of this race will be harder and harder put upon...your foes will still exploit you and toss you aside when they're done...and your friends? They will ease you into a coffin of complicity...the schoolmarm's Permanent Record a browser history of the Akasha.

So have it..have it all! You are not free...and never will be...as long as you wear skin in this world...and a veil draws across your mind and you forget the whole purpose of your being! I face it...we all face it...and the Mind that frees us can just as well enchain us. It's on each one of us...choose wisely. Because it isn't only about you...what each of us do has an impact on the everyone else...and there is the hardness of trying to do right.

It is not I alone who is mad with grief at Reality As Is! We all face it...and we all are done down by it!
Our own Minds...the Great Friend...the Great Foe...and each of us struggling to know which one is which!

Haewt!...er… I mean…Basta! Come hear…
Paladins organize and group…we are about some business…

Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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