Monday, January 14, 2013

what else is there

but our own identities

holding our sense of 'self'

in our memories?

we are One but One in what?

the true Ineffable each

of our unique parts the same?

or some rebellious selfishness

that mis-understands itself

isolated from all others

and enraged to dominate

obeying itself like a cancer in a healthy body?

all I remember comprising who I am

was always amazed at the easy slide

from awareness to blind self-adoration

and how all of us are dragged down

with this single malcontent

who'd block entry into the beyond

and deny others what it denies itself

oh how our Oneness makes us suffer so

and how it'll never end as long as we wear

the flesh of who we think we are...

Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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