Tuesday, January 22, 2013


all the things the world

counts as meaningless

have enlivened and enlightened

my life here in earthly hell

the pre-dawn glow of the sky

the slanting sunlight on cliff edges

and warm salt-saturated morning beaches

the hot noon making shadows

of the all physical form

and the bright monochrome mornings

of winter and the bare branches etched

against the gray horizons

or the violet evenings of star-lit spring

the smiles of children and lovers

each in their moment

and each recalling yet other children and lovers

and the still egoless instants when all conditions

merge into one manifestation

of an eternal now sweet and sad as an acceptance...

the world as it is has no use

for these transcendent moments

and even those committed to the world as it is

experience these moments and the moment passes

and the experience is as forgotten as dream

I've made too many mistakes

to atone for now but I can know

these are what made life livable

(or at least bearable) but even that moment

passes and what comes next holds

all that came before

and it is we who take what we will of it

what there is of it that is ours

for me that means I make peace with all I've done

now that I'm in the end zone and settling my worldly business

going on to what is next...it being what it is

and I going on...ready or not...

Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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