Thursday, January 24, 2013


this has really

nothing to do with anything

but I swear sometimes

I feel as if every moment

of my life is telescoping

into the immediate instant

and the morning's midwinter

sunlight slanting onto buildings

releases other instants through which

I've lived as if all sunlight

all activity of every person

ambling along on their daily business

on all street scenes or country quiet

alive with multiple times all the same time...

am I conscious now of being completed?

have I really reached that end zone

or am I making too much of bittersweet nostalgia

in a lonely solitary moment?

does it matter since so much is beyond

knowing or control?

we live having nothing to do with anything

but something to do with everything...

Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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