Thursday, February 6, 2014


finally content

to be back wholly in the world?

to stop pushing for early release

to evade your reckonings?

I talk like this to an average person

and they think I'm some goofball

out of a monastery or asylum

at the mercy of exhausted mythologies

while they accept the world they live in

as an end-all and be-all

and which one of us is right or wrong?

the glory of what we call 'God' is the very universe

they admire as a chaos in mindless awe

which is the only way to approach the matter

from which way or another hardly matters

we all go down 'that lonesome valley'

and wind up in someone's folk song

immortalized for accepting the fate we all share

hanging at the bar waiting for our turn at the mike...

and that my friend is one way we find ourselves

exactly where we are....

Content (c) 2008-2014 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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