as unknowable
as the One Itself
is all that holds us together
love not die out
not the One abandon us
let us be strong and obedient
to the Unknown
as it girds us all
in the love
we will not fully comprehend
as long as we stay fallen
love is the One
and is all that holds us together
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
there's so much I wish to tell you
but of course in this instant
words fail and my mind is blank
but in your desperate moments
you will say the same
no confession clean enough
to beg for grace or set anything right
there's so much I wish to tell you
but the silence says it all
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
but of course in this instant
words fail and my mind is blank
but in your desperate moments
you will say the same
no confession clean enough
to beg for grace or set anything right
there's so much I wish to tell you
but the silence says it all
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
I'm not in a rush to get to any ultimate judgment
there's no need
it's enough my reckoning pulls me to a judgment
like a black hole drawing me in
any dimensions after that
is the guesswork of limited minds
all I know is I'm a stretching stream
flowing into the unknown
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
there's no need
it's enough my reckoning pulls me to a judgment
like a black hole drawing me in
any dimensions after that
is the guesswork of limited minds
all I know is I'm a stretching stream
flowing into the unknown
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
this time in the world
suffers no repentance
earth-bound souls
will try to drag you down
into their hells
but to disaffiliate yourself
from this will be your only path
out of the boneyard of earth
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
suffers no repentance
earth-bound souls
will try to drag you down
into their hells
but to disaffiliate yourself
from this will be your only path
out of the boneyard of earth
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
you want so much to see me pay
for my sins while you think you're blameless
in all of this downfall
but I needn't wish curses on you
or damn some kind of revenge
none of that is our business
and we all get what's coming to us
maybe you should want so much to correct yourself
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
for my sins while you think you're blameless
in all of this downfall
but I needn't wish curses on you
or damn some kind of revenge
none of that is our business
and we all get what's coming to us
maybe you should want so much to correct yourself
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
"a promise made is a debt unpaid"
so said Robert W. Service
considering the karmic debt crushing me
it makes me kinda nervous
one way or another
that debt will be wiped clean
but every vow I failed to fulfill
will remind me of what it means
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
so said Robert W. Service
considering the karmic debt crushing me
it makes me kinda nervous
one way or another
that debt will be wiped clean
but every vow I failed to fulfill
will remind me of what it means
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
Friday, March 25, 2016
I would have grace and forgiveness and peace
but God and my fellow creatures
are having none of it
when God Itself seems more deadly
than any idea of 'Satan' we could hold
then to whom do we bring what good
we possess? we have only ourselves (like souls)
let it begin and end there if need be
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
but God and my fellow creatures
are having none of it
when God Itself seems more deadly
than any idea of 'Satan' we could hold
then to whom do we bring what good
we possess? we have only ourselves (like souls)
let it begin and end there if need be
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
in answer to a previous posting:
this is why I keep writing
as long as the evil scumbags
who'd rule this world onto death
insist on dragging us down
with them into their hells
there will be those who'll stand up to them
and we won't stop until they've been eliminated
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
this is why I keep writing
as long as the evil scumbags
who'd rule this world onto death
insist on dragging us down
with them into their hells
there will be those who'll stand up to them
and we won't stop until they've been eliminated
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
I have it on good authority
being the Arch Conservative
is voting for Trump
I'd rather Feel the Bern
maybe not be practical
but then it's about time we violated
and overturned murderous Reality
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
being the Arch Conservative
is voting for Trump
I'd rather Feel the Bern
maybe not be practical
but then it's about time we violated
and overturned murderous Reality
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
I crushed a bug today
I felt bad
I wanted to kill a self-absorbed asshole
walking (stumbling) along
with his blank face glued
to his iPhone as if he'd go insane
if he did have contact with his own kind
I feel angry and was sorry I had not
means or opportunity to kill this worthless
ambulatory pile of god-shit
the bug was wholly innocent
the asshole and his generation is not
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
I felt bad
I wanted to kill a self-absorbed asshole
walking (stumbling) along
with his blank face glued
to his iPhone as if he'd go insane
if he did have contact with his own kind
I feel angry and was sorry I had not
means or opportunity to kill this worthless
ambulatory pile of god-shit
the bug was wholly innocent
the asshole and his generation is not
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
every time I do a good deed
I wind up regretting it to the depths of my soul
you leeches you "meek who'll inherit the earth"
you stinking con artists can go
milk the consciences of the faux holy
you bastards deserve each other
like flies and turds
and not even getting the best of that
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
I wind up regretting it to the depths of my soul
you leeches you "meek who'll inherit the earth"
you stinking con artists can go
milk the consciences of the faux holy
you bastards deserve each other
like flies and turds
and not even getting the best of that
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
what's up people?
you need a daily fix
to keep you hypnotized?
you need fresh delivery
of stuff you'll never begin
to comprehend?
I don't give a fuck
what the Grand Design demands
let other whimpering assholes
beg for their imaginary lives
you are the problem
and damn what divine command
insists I love you like brothers and sisters
you self-abusing traitors
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
you need a daily fix
to keep you hypnotized?
you need fresh delivery
of stuff you'll never begin
to comprehend?
I don't give a fuck
what the Grand Design demands
let other whimpering assholes
beg for their imaginary lives
you are the problem
and damn what divine command
insists I love you like brothers and sisters
you self-abusing traitors
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
goodness is best served
when people unconsciously
do right no matter whatever else
they think they're about....
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
when people unconsciously
do right no matter whatever else
they think they're about....
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
why do I bother to write or talk?
why do I waste my words at all
when my time is running out
and I'm so happy to have it do so?
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
why do I waste my words at all
when my time is running out
and I'm so happy to have it do so?
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
yes the world is more of a hell than ever
but what can you do but suffer it
or give up your moral direction
to pick a side and hope you don't forget
what ideal drove you to war in the first place?
oh unknown hidden One who knows all we can't
is there mercy in the judgment?
will all be well and all matter of thing be well?
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
but what can you do but suffer it
or give up your moral direction
to pick a side and hope you don't forget
what ideal drove you to war in the first place?
oh unknown hidden One who knows all we can't
is there mercy in the judgment?
will all be well and all matter of thing be well?
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
what you steal from me
will evaporate into nothingness
but what I give you
will last forever (and I mean forever)
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
will evaporate into nothingness
but what I give you
will last forever (and I mean forever)
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
take your measure and be patient
you may be forgiven but it is no free gift
you'll have to earn it like you do
for everything else you do in life
give up your childish mythologies
or you'll wind up needing to be
forgiven for that also
take your best shot and leave it be
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
you may be forgiven but it is no free gift
you'll have to earn it like you do
for everything else you do in life
give up your childish mythologies
or you'll wind up needing to be
forgiven for that also
take your best shot and leave it be
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
in the morning you'll wake up
and you'll feel something different
your world will still look the same
but the feeling will not be same
this is how new ages sneak in
under our self-conscious ideas
and all you meet will not understand you
nor you them but each will swear their truth is firm
and you and they will learn the hard way how wrong that notion
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
and you'll feel something different
your world will still look the same
but the feeling will not be same
this is how new ages sneak in
under our self-conscious ideas
and all you meet will not understand you
nor you them but each will swear their truth is firm
and you and they will learn the hard way how wrong that notion
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
I'm free and I'm not
I love but I don't
grace like love
is impossible to attain
while this 'god'
is so business with its lack
of mercy and forgiveness
while his lackeys praise
this monster as love and goodness
oh yes it's on us and we cripple ourselves
endlessly trying to appease
these false idols that we all erect
in the name of our bitter ignorance and self-hatred
and all of us are free and all of us are not
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
I love but I don't
grace like love
is impossible to attain
while this 'god'
is so business with its lack
of mercy and forgiveness
while his lackeys praise
this monster as love and goodness
oh yes it's on us and we cripple ourselves
endlessly trying to appease
these false idols that we all erect
in the name of our bitter ignorance and self-hatred
and all of us are free and all of us are not
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
let's stop talking about God
(I swear I'm doing my best)
our salvation is in our own hands
we make the best choice in our moment
of action and do what we must
then it's out of our hands
let the God prove how impartial it is
in forgiving (though we'll never know it
until the end of Creation when we realize
we still have consciousness
and we made it back to eternity in this 'godly' force
but in the meanwhile it is best not to talk of "God"
it only brings out the worse in us
and blocks our sad egos from liberation from our worldly illusions
Content (c) 2008-2016Philip Milito.
(I swear I'm doing my best)
our salvation is in our own hands
we make the best choice in our moment
of action and do what we must
then it's out of our hands
let the God prove how impartial it is
in forgiving (though we'll never know it
until the end of Creation when we realize
we still have consciousness
and we made it back to eternity in this 'godly' force
but in the meanwhile it is best not to talk of "God"
it only brings out the worse in us
and blocks our sad egos from liberation from our worldly illusions
Content (c) 2008-2016Philip Milito.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
love means nothing where there is no love
it doesn't save
it doesn't triumph
it just seeps out of our wounds
as the cold comfort
all sacred texts exalt and soothes only ourselves
in the moment of wounding
like begets like and that is hard to surmount
unless you try to become the Law
by breaking it and there is the most dangerous part
of your ongoing journey
there everything fallen will pile up at your feet
and you'd need that superhuman strength to ascend
to be love itself where there is none
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
it doesn't save
it doesn't triumph
it just seeps out of our wounds
as the cold comfort
all sacred texts exalt and soothes only ourselves
in the moment of wounding
like begets like and that is hard to surmount
unless you try to become the Law
by breaking it and there is the most dangerous part
of your ongoing journey
there everything fallen will pile up at your feet
and you'd need that superhuman strength to ascend
to be love itself where there is none
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
Monday, March 21, 2016
sometimes I know better
sometimes I forget and fuck up
and have to start all over again
why is it so hard to remember
the right thing to do in the yammering
clamor of desire gone wrong
and right intent that goes even more wrong
in amends that do not survive divine punishment?
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
sometimes I forget and fuck up
and have to start all over again
why is it so hard to remember
the right thing to do in the yammering
clamor of desire gone wrong
and right intent that goes even more wrong
in amends that do not survive divine punishment?
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
I rest after a busy day of frustration
and trying to get the world to cooperate
you'd think after all these years I'd know better
all those who claim to love me so much
also take turns trying to twist my nuts off
with some grubby little hands
love is hard love is bitter in case you haven't found out
ah but you have and that's why you stumble in pain
just like I do....
Content (c) 2008-2106 Philip Milito.
and trying to get the world to cooperate
you'd think after all these years I'd know better
all those who claim to love me so much
also take turns trying to twist my nuts off
with some grubby little hands
love is hard love is bitter in case you haven't found out
ah but you have and that's why you stumble in pain
just like I do....
Content (c) 2008-2106 Philip Milito.
no I'm not particularly happy
but nor am I sunk in gloom beyond saving
I accept the whole catalog of grief that is
a person's interior users manual
and I can't kick because I didn't write it
you know "not my will be Thine"
if the Almighty wants it this way
who am I to go on trying to please?
I tweak this and I slam that
and the damn contraption sputters back to service
Content (c) 2008-2106 Philip Milito.
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
but nor am I sunk in gloom beyond saving
I accept the whole catalog of grief that is
a person's interior users manual
and I can't kick because I didn't write it
you know "not my will be Thine"
if the Almighty wants it this way
who am I to go on trying to please?
I tweak this and I slam that
and the damn contraption sputters back to service
Content (c) 2008-2106 Philip Milito.
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
oh I'm not stopping here
where past and future grind on the eternal instant of now
I don't know when I'll be called beyond
maybe tomorrow maybe twenty years from now
but I'm not stopping here
I can't
I can only do what I have to do until the bitter end
and even afterward maybe not so bitter but the same journey
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
where past and future grind on the eternal instant of now
I don't know when I'll be called beyond
maybe tomorrow maybe twenty years from now
but I'm not stopping here
I can't
I can only do what I have to do until the bitter end
and even afterward maybe not so bitter but the same journey
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
god how I miss drugs
and strippers
and long philosophical talks
about God and Nietzsche
that took us passed the dawn
into an early morning coffee shop
for egg and potato breakfasts
and continuous chatter about the grinding
iron and diamond cogs in the heavenly
machinery of the deep cosmic skies
while early workmen came in
still shaking sleep from their eyes
all of us cogs in that divine dynamo
while a deeper silence cradled us all
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
and strippers
and long philosophical talks
about God and Nietzsche
that took us passed the dawn
into an early morning coffee shop
for egg and potato breakfasts
and continuous chatter about the grinding
iron and diamond cogs in the heavenly
machinery of the deep cosmic skies
while early workmen came in
still shaking sleep from their eyes
all of us cogs in that divine dynamo
while a deeper silence cradled us all
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
we stand together before a dark threatening sky
like the famous Magritte painting
wholly in fear and wholly in expectancy
frozen in the eternal moment of revelation
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
like the famous Magritte painting
wholly in fear and wholly in expectancy
frozen in the eternal moment of revelation
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
I trusted that our amends would make a difference
and maybe it does in some long-term scheme
of grace coming to your service in some future incarnation here
but for the immediacy of life here in the world
it as though every good deed matters not
in some booby trap doing you in
yes I trusted but then what can you really expect
from someone who can spit and miss the ground?
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
and maybe it does in some long-term scheme
of grace coming to your service in some future incarnation here
but for the immediacy of life here in the world
it as though every good deed matters not
in some booby trap doing you in
yes I trusted but then what can you really expect
from someone who can spit and miss the ground?
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
you think you know better
than anyone else
what's fair and what's fowl
well don't go preening too grossly
you will find yourself
down on the killing floor
evaluated like the other cattle
who thought they aspired to a paradise
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
than anyone else
what's fair and what's fowl
well don't go preening too grossly
you will find yourself
down on the killing floor
evaluated like the other cattle
who thought they aspired to a paradise
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
we're a long way from
some Ultimate Judgment
but it can still arrive
in a flash
meantime God will give you
plenty of rope
and plenty of opportunities
to fail
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
some Ultimate Judgment
but it can still arrive
in a flash
meantime God will give you
plenty of rope
and plenty of opportunities
to fail
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
little left to demonstrate
in the way of repentance
plead with the universe
and find there's no forgiveness
you pay your price to divine vengeance
and in your unmerciful suffering
find your sin erased and if you don't believe me
look at Jesus on the Cross
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
in the way of repentance
plead with the universe
and find there's no forgiveness
you pay your price to divine vengeance
and in your unmerciful suffering
find your sin erased and if you don't believe me
look at Jesus on the Cross
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
you knit your chain of consequence
one terrible link at a time
and you wear it like a coat of arms
while you live in the earth
but it will bog down your soul
when death releases you
then will it be the drag that holds you back
a king of the world reduced to a humbled penitent
but you never learned sufficiently
that the least are the greatest
that humility is the only thing
that will keep you to your track onward
to other forms of repentance
and other opportunities to free yourself
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
one terrible link at a time
and you wear it like a coat of arms
while you live in the earth
but it will bog down your soul
when death releases you
then will it be the drag that holds you back
a king of the world reduced to a humbled penitent
but you never learned sufficiently
that the least are the greatest
that humility is the only thing
that will keep you to your track onward
to other forms of repentance
and other opportunities to free yourself
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
oh my love
the things we do to defeat love
but our tiny fatal ignorance
is all that keeps us from some paradise
I will love you surely
no matter how things end up
maybe it's better to say we will endure
when we let love defeat us
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
the things we do to defeat love
but our tiny fatal ignorance
is all that keeps us from some paradise
I will love you surely
no matter how things end up
maybe it's better to say we will endure
when we let love defeat us
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
something to mourn after all
you live your life and give it your best
and after all the damage done
you still cry for a miracle that won't save you
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
you live your life and give it your best
and after all the damage done
you still cry for a miracle that won't save you
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
we were given streets lined with gold
and we tarnished the damn things
we were given pure flowing streams
and we pissed in them regularly
we were given the chance to redeem ourselves
and we failed every test
we were given Life in Its eternal abundance
and we choose death every time
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
and we tarnished the damn things
we were given pure flowing streams
and we pissed in them regularly
we were given the chance to redeem ourselves
and we failed every test
we were given Life in Its eternal abundance
and we choose death every time
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
I hold your heart in my hands
and burn them with your rage
I never know what I've done wrong
there's a part of me that never understands
that the disdain of love grows strong
as we come to close to engage
the fire that invites your abandoning mystery
while I know you live to do this to me
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
and burn them with your rage
I never know what I've done wrong
there's a part of me that never understands
that the disdain of love grows strong
as we come to close to engage
the fire that invites your abandoning mystery
while I know you live to do this to me
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
yeah I know
I can sympathize
it played so well
in your head
then you opened your mouth
and let it out
and you and your audience
wondered WTF?
thus are the silent perceived
to be wise
and so they are for knowing
a little mystique goes far
in not disappointing others
by showing what they really are
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
I can sympathize
it played so well
in your head
then you opened your mouth
and let it out
and you and your audience
wondered WTF?
thus are the silent perceived
to be wise
and so they are for knowing
a little mystique goes far
in not disappointing others
by showing what they really are
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
where I live
a circus is going on
every minute
of every day
I live in the earth
and clowns and trapeze artists
tumble and fly
over yawning faces
everyone who lives
lives here
and we acknowledge
each other (mostly)
and those who die of the world
often miss the laughs
when they move on
carrying a piece of side show merriment
into the unknown beyond the tent
I live here but I admit
there is much I'll miss
when when this particular
show of my life is over
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
a circus is going on
every minute
of every day
I live in the earth
and clowns and trapeze artists
tumble and fly
over yawning faces
everyone who lives
lives here
and we acknowledge
each other (mostly)
and those who die of the world
often miss the laughs
when they move on
carrying a piece of side show merriment
into the unknown beyond the tent
I live here but I admit
there is much I'll miss
when when this particular
show of my life is over
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
here I go
here goes all of you too
the eternity for which we hunger
is always what it is
our salvation is on us
the better we treat each other
without kowtowing to some evil idea of God in our minds
the sooner we will be free to live in Reality as It actually is
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
here goes all of you too
the eternity for which we hunger
is always what it is
our salvation is on us
the better we treat each other
without kowtowing to some evil idea of God in our minds
the sooner we will be free to live in Reality as It actually is
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
my meds are kicking in
whatever lack of mercy God may possess
He at least allows you to be at drugged peace
think not of 'god' as such
God is life itself and it is on you to do the right thing
and if you're forgiven you'll only know it by still
having consciousness and being there such as that may be
do the right thing...and keep those meds is indeed hell....
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
whatever lack of mercy God may possess
He at least allows you to be at drugged peace
think not of 'god' as such
God is life itself and it is on you to do the right thing
and if you're forgiven you'll only know it by still
having consciousness and being there such as that may be
do the right thing...and keep those meds is indeed hell....
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
my anger is exhausted
at last I am empty of all my error
including worshiping a false idol
of God as being merciful and good and full of love
empty means whatever sins I must pay for
at least I woke up to Reality
I just never knew how insufferably painful
it would wind up being....
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
at last I am empty of all my error
including worshiping a false idol
of God as being merciful and good and full of love
empty means whatever sins I must pay for
at least I woke up to Reality
I just never knew how insufferably painful
it would wind up being....
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
I'm empty and ready to die and leave this horrible sojourn
so why does God keep me here?
what worse does this wicked deity want from me or all of us?
never ready to lift a finger to help us
but ever ready to damn and destroy us?
God damn the whole issue
ignore God and do what you know is right
and if God is so level when it comes to damning or forgiving
you'll find out only by knowing you're still alive in eternity....
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
so why does God keep me here?
what worse does this wicked deity want from me or all of us?
never ready to lift a finger to help us
but ever ready to damn and destroy us?
God damn the whole issue
ignore God and do what you know is right
and if God is so level when it comes to damning or forgiving
you'll find out only by knowing you're still alive in eternity....
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
what could be worse than a phase change of history?
what's good is bad and what's bad is good
and humanity once again blows it big time
there will be no 'Kingdom of God' established
in the world...all we do is pass through this phase...this sojourn...
and the heartless unforgiving 'god' will yet call the shots...
let a new generation make it's mess...they too will pay
and damn our Oneness where only one asshole is enough
to drag the rest of us down....
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
what's good is bad and what's bad is good
and humanity once again blows it big time
there will be no 'Kingdom of God' established
in the world...all we do is pass through this phase...this sojourn...
and the heartless unforgiving 'god' will yet call the shots...
let a new generation make it's mess...they too will pay
and damn our Oneness where only one asshole is enough
to drag the rest of us down....
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
thank you...thank you...I've calmed down...
but it changes nothing...
America is dead and gone
and 'god' alone knows what bullshit will replace it...
you unmitigated unforgivable fools...
you take the weak down into your hells...
then let all of you suffer it...
thank you...thank you...I've calmed down...but so what?
'god' has the last word...and we might all of us be dead....
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
but it changes nothing...
America is dead and gone
and 'god' alone knows what bullshit will replace it...
you unmitigated unforgivable fools...
you take the weak down into your hells...
then let all of you suffer it...
thank you...thank you...I've calmed down...but so what?
'god' has the last word...and we might all of us be dead....
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
well you all got what you wanted
America has become a fascist outpost
and you low-grade morons will suffer accordingly
and blame everyone else but yourself for the misery
you'll reap
let God...that alleged force of love and wholeness and good...
let God turn away from the He always does...
life in the world is a punishment of this so-called 'god' intractable assholes...suffer
but know that you will be opposed...we will go out
of our ways to kill you all...and let your evil 'god' turn 'his' back
even on you all...
the gall...I have to forgive the asshole who puts his blade to my throat
on behalf on your psychotic notions of self...damn you all and your blood-soaked hands....
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
America has become a fascist outpost
and you low-grade morons will suffer accordingly
and blame everyone else but yourself for the misery
you'll reap
let God...that alleged force of love and wholeness and good...
let God turn away from the He always does...
life in the world is a punishment of this so-called 'god' intractable assholes...suffer
but know that you will be opposed...we will go out
of our ways to kill you all...and let your evil 'god' turn 'his' back
even on you all...
the gall...I have to forgive the asshole who puts his blade to my throat
on behalf on your psychotic notions of self...damn you all and your blood-soaked hands....
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Do not rejoice too soon; what’s good at first will wilt with time, while what you would think of as bad could be the life-saving peace worthy of your silent praise.
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
the thought of us all being One in God
sickens me
how much strength do I need
to look at a fool struggling and have
compassion for him
because I've struggled likewise
rather than hate him for dragging down
all the rest of us in our cumbersome Oneness?
then multiply that fool by a hundred million
and not realize what a sordid sad world in which we find
ourselves as if the fool will keep dragging us down
and all our alleged God will do is turn His back
and weep for us? is being sickened by creation as is
an automatic fail or another way to amend and atone?
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
sickens me
how much strength do I need
to look at a fool struggling and have
compassion for him
because I've struggled likewise
rather than hate him for dragging down
all the rest of us in our cumbersome Oneness?
then multiply that fool by a hundred million
and not realize what a sordid sad world in which we find
ourselves as if the fool will keep dragging us down
and all our alleged God will do is turn His back
and weep for us? is being sickened by creation as is
an automatic fail or another way to amend and atone?
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
do you expect a warm welcome
after all the shit you've pulled?
you don't go demanding obeisance
as if you were some queen
you don't oppress somebody
because they refused to worship you
you can open your arms wide but all
you'll embrace is an image of yourself
that fades as soon as it is touched....
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
after all the shit you've pulled?
you don't go demanding obeisance
as if you were some queen
you don't oppress somebody
because they refused to worship you
you can open your arms wide but all
you'll embrace is an image of yourself
that fades as soon as it is touched....
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
oh it won't really matter
after a few thousand years
who was right or wrong
about this or that
in fact it doesn't matter now
the work of redemption is continuous
and is on all of us whether we return to
God is up to each of us
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
after a few thousand years
who was right or wrong
about this or that
in fact it doesn't matter now
the work of redemption is continuous
and is on all of us whether we return to
God is up to each of us
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
new hordes
of old proclivities
having their day
like all before them
trying to reach up
into the sky
to choke the sun
willing to destroy
the world in the name
of their madness
a strange comfort in the continuity
as it is hard for you to witness your life
and the world you came up in
die away together
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
of old proclivities
having their day
like all before them
trying to reach up
into the sky
to choke the sun
willing to destroy
the world in the name
of their madness
a strange comfort in the continuity
as it is hard for you to witness your life
and the world you came up in
die away together
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
heartbeats fading in the western world
the american empire is finally falling
brought down by its own insufferably
vain and stupid citizenry
it was bound to happen eventually
there never was any golden age of principled
compromise for the good of all
every swing of the pendulum
delivered an agenda good enough
to raise the ire of its opponents
until compromises were nothing more
than weak treaties to allow foes to regroup
democracy never quite took hold here
and now america takes its place in the waste of history
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
the american empire is finally falling
brought down by its own insufferably
vain and stupid citizenry
it was bound to happen eventually
there never was any golden age of principled
compromise for the good of all
every swing of the pendulum
delivered an agenda good enough
to raise the ire of its opponents
until compromises were nothing more
than weak treaties to allow foes to regroup
democracy never quite took hold here
and now america takes its place in the waste of history
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
make a bed of your lands
dress yourself in memory
the joy and the sorrow
to assuage your vanity
then lie down to your anxiety
how the crossing over will be
before the light goes
you will draw still with a folding of hands
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
dress yourself in memory
the joy and the sorrow
to assuage your vanity
then lie down to your anxiety
how the crossing over will be
before the light goes
you will draw still with a folding of hands
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
wee-wee-wee you fey little bastards
oh how life will beat the entitlement out of you
oh how thoroughly you will be crushed by
your own weakness and no one you know
will lift a finger to help you
you've become such a drag with your seriousness
they'll turn their back on you and if you survive you'll have
the joy of seeing them end up broken in their immaturity
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
oh how life will beat the entitlement out of you
oh how thoroughly you will be crushed by
your own weakness and no one you know
will lift a finger to help you
you've become such a drag with your seriousness
they'll turn their back on you and if you survive you'll have
the joy of seeing them end up broken in their immaturity
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
to the dopes who think
life is a good thing
you will die of your own volition
and you'll deserve every ache of it
you take life for granted
and proudly wreck what and who you will
but life will have the last word
and your own silence will seal you into your own hell
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
life is a good thing
you will die of your own volition
and you'll deserve every ache of it
you take life for granted
and proudly wreck what and who you will
but life will have the last word
and your own silence will seal you into your own hell
Content (c) 2008-2016 Philip Milito.
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