Monday, September 28, 2015


beyond my control is all I've strived for

like Tantalus I groped for what

was just beyond reach (worse...what would

lift itself out of my reach as I stretched)

I must re-read this Greek myth and seek a parallel

this is the way the Ancients described the Fates

as their successors the Jews the Christians the Muslims

the Zoroastrians the Gnostics projected their psyches

onto the skies and filled the Void with their vanity

their fear their ignorance and their pride

as the world remained ever a hell

so here in the lower ring of fire my voice rises

a cacophony of bewilderment while I search for the spigot

of Living Water that dwindles and disappears when I approach

Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.

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