Monday, September 14, 2015


everything I ever claimed to want so badly

I refuse and leave in a heap on some roadside...

my whole lifetime of "stupidest mistakes"

crushing me with some recent one probably being

the fatal blow that is making me malinger in remorse

rather than outright die...

oh I could say it was this love or that

the devoted mate losing to the wild faithless lover...

or maybe hate for those who squandered chances I'd've killed for...

or a betrayed trust that led to

a tiny twinge of greed that made me try to out-wheedle

some equally unscrupulous partner...

any of these from this litany of common sins

could've done the most harm... even when recognized

any attempt at amendment did no real good after all...

these taught only the emptiness of a clinging to our lower minds

and aspirations unappeasable to souls that wanted some higher ground

and somehow lost the way in trying to find it...

I can't say I'm lonely...everyone else's unwanted baggage

looks the same as mine on this roadside...each of us searching

for our paths...going forward to find the place where we'll pass over...

chastened and these particular ways done....

Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.

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