restive through an empty day
I titivate like a fly
wet leaves carpet the sidewalk
I pace pass my window to see
a carpet of brown leaves
undoing the summer's hope
I open a letter that has come
to tell me you've gone
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
I hid between the rays of light
that were false dawn during the night
and when day came I was deposed
the curtains of aether disappeared
and there in my boxer shorts exposed
I threatened the morning glow as it neared
but gave it no fright...being hard too mean business
when your shortcomings announce (quietly) the holy stress....
Content (c0 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
that were false dawn during the night
and when day came I was deposed
the curtains of aether disappeared
and there in my boxer shorts exposed
I threatened the morning glow as it neared
but gave it no fright...being hard too mean business
when your shortcomings announce (quietly) the holy stress....
Content (c0 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I know I anger easily
I'm weaker than I thought
I find it hard to forgive
I find it hard to admit
but in easier moments
I can let temporary madness go
an outburst of frustration
crowned with a need to lay prostate
and how I wake up depends on all
that is beyond my control
and acceptance is the hardest thing
harder than confessing the thorn in the soul
for us who anger easy there is yet
a channeling for the red waves of anger
to announce the Word no one needs to hear again
as if something new were brought forth
and a way to watch it eddy out
and find its place in the elements
these are things we leave behind
things ever attendant despite the talisman
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I'm weaker than I thought
I find it hard to forgive
I find it hard to admit
but in easier moments
I can let temporary madness go
an outburst of frustration
crowned with a need to lay prostate
and how I wake up depends on all
that is beyond my control
and acceptance is the hardest thing
harder than confessing the thorn in the soul
for us who anger easy there is yet
a channeling for the red waves of anger
to announce the Word no one needs to hear again
as if something new were brought forth
and a way to watch it eddy out
and find its place in the elements
these are things we leave behind
things ever attendant despite the talisman
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I was busy musing over
your face
that perfect mask
clandestine at heart
while a yokel is presented
before the latest committee
for approval as a token
a plaster on culture's corns
I was subsumed in how
you flow through this like an eel
but then I remembered how easy it is
to forget where you came from
so you learned what you needed
to bring down every last man
but sooooo gently and sooooo concerned
and your tally mounts as you lathe the web fine
out of some dull-witted non-second
I remembered and marked on that face
that never understood it was a little late
for gestures better suited to some plea for excuse
that face that manifested all sky above earth below
as a last comfort to me who await an embrace
from her to close everything that has contact
with this messenger traveling out in plain sight
all these revolutions of soul read in your face
as if I Breton awaited Nadja restless as a rodent in a trap
in this Dore shaded images of the unreality beneath reality
the foundation the crumbling of dirt of our passing
in this Light
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
your face
that perfect mask
clandestine at heart
while a yokel is presented
before the latest committee
for approval as a token
a plaster on culture's corns
I was subsumed in how
you flow through this like an eel
but then I remembered how easy it is
to forget where you came from
so you learned what you needed
to bring down every last man
but sooooo gently and sooooo concerned
and your tally mounts as you lathe the web fine
out of some dull-witted non-second
I remembered and marked on that face
that never understood it was a little late
for gestures better suited to some plea for excuse
that face that manifested all sky above earth below
as a last comfort to me who await an embrace
from her to close everything that has contact
with this messenger traveling out in plain sight
all these revolutions of soul read in your face
as if I Breton awaited Nadja restless as a rodent in a trap
in this Dore shaded images of the unreality beneath reality
the foundation the crumbling of dirt of our passing
in this Light
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
a prayer for those who raged in the west
a prayer for those who proclaimed a square inch of legacy
a prayer for the reflections of leader's character
a prayer for the various delusions of man
a prayer for the ending of the Quest
a prayer for the beginning of the next sorrow
a prayer for the eternal in all its forms
a prayer for a joining and peace and melding
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
a prayer for those who proclaimed a square inch of legacy
a prayer for the reflections of leader's character
a prayer for the various delusions of man
a prayer for the ending of the Quest
a prayer for the beginning of the next sorrow
a prayer for the eternal in all its forms
a prayer for a joining and peace and melding
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
the vein is finally tapped
empty sense of accomplishment
body quivering in a breeze
like the flung arrow
nailing the distended
sense of self
and then coming to rest
this way is closed
the thin pull of the
opposite direction
closes it behind us
as we repent our imaginations
as expiation for our expended quests
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
empty sense of accomplishment
body quivering in a breeze
like the flung arrow
nailing the distended
sense of self
and then coming to rest
this way is closed
the thin pull of the
opposite direction
closes it behind us
as we repent our imaginations
as expiation for our expended quests
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
if I were where I ought to be
what else of myself would
I have lost in getting there and have this
to anticipate others in their graces...
that we would steam and rebel
be too damaged to be reassembled now...
but more likely a safe bet among old people
sitting watching dots on a far horizon...
and the dots looking back and imagining the shore
where I ought to be...or am....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
what else of myself would
I have lost in getting there and have this
to anticipate others in their graces...
that we would steam and rebel
be too damaged to be reassembled now...
but more likely a safe bet among old people
sitting watching dots on a far horizon...
and the dots looking back and imagining the shore
where I ought to be...or am....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Monday, September 28, 2015
don't call me friend
I'll turn and run
faster than
I've ever run in my life
because I know my fate
and you seem too
uncomfortably familiar
and I'd rather put off
a reckoning until I know
I'm strong enough
to withstand it
and if I wind up involved
it will just remind me my will
isn't superior to those of the Fates
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I'll turn and run
faster than
I've ever run in my life
because I know my fate
and you seem too
uncomfortably familiar
and I'd rather put off
a reckoning until I know
I'm strong enough
to withstand it
and if I wind up involved
it will just remind me my will
isn't superior to those of the Fates
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
we are criminals
by our own definitions
but each of us thinks
we're our own best lawyer
but lawyers judges cops priests doctors
they're all criminals for breaking the codes
of their professions with their own power madness
and all anyone can say is "what can be done?"
downing themselves as well in copious
sins of omission...
oh yes no one wants to hear it...
"who are you to say anything?"
well...I'm telling it like it is
and it must be true to rankle you so....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
by our own definitions
but each of us thinks
we're our own best lawyer
but lawyers judges cops priests doctors
they're all criminals for breaking the codes
of their professions with their own power madness
and all anyone can say is "what can be done?"
downing themselves as well in copious
sins of omission...
oh yes no one wants to hear it...
"who are you to say anything?"
well...I'm telling it like it is
and it must be true to rankle you so....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
beyond my control is all I've strived for
like Tantalus I groped for what
was just beyond reach (worse...what would
lift itself out of my reach as I stretched)
I must re-read this Greek myth and seek a parallel
this is the way the Ancients described the Fates
as their successors the Jews the Christians the Muslims
the Zoroastrians the Gnostics projected their psyches
onto the skies and filled the Void with their vanity
their fear their ignorance and their pride
as the world remained ever a hell
so here in the lower ring of fire my voice rises
a cacophony of bewilderment while I search for the spigot
of Living Water that dwindles and disappears when I approach
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
like Tantalus I groped for what
was just beyond reach (worse...what would
lift itself out of my reach as I stretched)
I must re-read this Greek myth and seek a parallel
this is the way the Ancients described the Fates
as their successors the Jews the Christians the Muslims
the Zoroastrians the Gnostics projected their psyches
onto the skies and filled the Void with their vanity
their fear their ignorance and their pride
as the world remained ever a hell
so here in the lower ring of fire my voice rises
a cacophony of bewilderment while I search for the spigot
of Living Water that dwindles and disappears when I approach
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
you are not supposed to reach enlightenment here
you are not supposed to reunited with God in a happily ever after
you are here to eat shit and develop a taste for it
you are here to oppress others with your holiness
and if you weaken just a little bit you may taste
a snatch of what you crave and have a setback
but once all consequence is passed you'll be your old self
and go on murdering in the name of your idea of god
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
you are not supposed to reunited with God in a happily ever after
you are here to eat shit and develop a taste for it
you are here to oppress others with your holiness
and if you weaken just a little bit you may taste
a snatch of what you crave and have a setback
but once all consequence is passed you'll be your old self
and go on murdering in the name of your idea of god
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
why say you love me
when love can be
more treacherous than evil?
how much faith
can be expended
to settle qualms
when the beloved
is stubborn about who
did what to whom?
maybe you've had an easier time
of it in this brothel of the world
but as an innocent ignorant john
I have little to defend myself with except
admission to joining the ranks who have played the fool
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
when love can be
more treacherous than evil?
how much faith
can be expended
to settle qualms
when the beloved
is stubborn about who
did what to whom?
maybe you've had an easier time
of it in this brothel of the world
but as an innocent ignorant john
I have little to defend myself with except
admission to joining the ranks who have played the fool
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
the point's driven home
like a nail in my skin
I own my error
I admit my mistakes
who are you to judge me?
your vanity not pierced yet?
you who've kicked over
your own trip wires so thoughtlessly?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
like a nail in my skin
I own my error
I admit my mistakes
who are you to judge me?
your vanity not pierced yet?
you who've kicked over
your own trip wires so thoughtlessly?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
crimson moon
eclipse flush in the sky
what changes do your
silent ascent in the eastern sky
stir in the air
and left over our lives
tired of nothing but the moment before
the earth's shadow began to transfigure you?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
sleep now
that morning comes
more quickly than
your dreams could measure
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
that morning comes
more quickly than
your dreams could measure
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
death calls
but doesn't
find you home
you went out
to be the life
of the bar tonight
good timing
good health
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
but doesn't
find you home
you went out
to be the life
of the bar tonight
good timing
good health
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I meant well
but that's not enough
you have to lose everything you are
(including your own self)
and not think or obsess about it
with the discarded identity
who you really are
will whisper to you silently
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
but that's not enough
you have to lose everything you are
(including your own self)
and not think or obsess about it
with the discarded identity
who you really are
will whisper to you silently
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
live with your fellow humans
long enough and you run the risk
of being charged with murder
(for my part it's justifiable homicide)
because nothing will drive you crazier
than your own faults reflected in another
and you think they're too stupid to get it...
well...what the hell are you doing now?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
long enough and you run the risk
of being charged with murder
(for my part it's justifiable homicide)
because nothing will drive you crazier
than your own faults reflected in another
and you think they're too stupid to get it...
well...what the hell are you doing now?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I saw a giant shadow glide
over the streets and buildings
this morning
it wasn't a cloud
and it wasn't some airplane
and the morning news reported nothing
but I saw several people on the street
fidgeting wildly and talking in tongues
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
over the streets and buildings
this morning
it wasn't a cloud
and it wasn't some airplane
and the morning news reported nothing
but I saw several people on the street
fidgeting wildly and talking in tongues
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I'd confess freely all I've done
to ruin a salvation
or (worse) violate a love
but there aren't enough
words or time to do so
and any who take these words
have equally enough on their own minds
or in their hearts to mourn
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito
to ruin a salvation
or (worse) violate a love
but there aren't enough
words or time to do so
and any who take these words
have equally enough on their own minds
or in their hearts to mourn
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito
Saturday, September 26, 2015
mess made
damage earned
price paid
lesson learned
but was the wisdom
therein gained?
yet a life to come
will show what's retained
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
damage earned
price paid
lesson learned
but was the wisdom
therein gained?
yet a life to come
will show what's retained
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Friday, September 25, 2015
unable to weep
the eyes have run dry
and the heart has ceased to tremble
when done is done and enough is enough
it becomes easy to let go
and as is has replaced the need to know why
soothing the jittery mind as will crumbles
ready and more than willing to sleep
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
the eyes have run dry
and the heart has ceased to tremble
when done is done and enough is enough
it becomes easy to let go
and as is has replaced the need to know why
soothing the jittery mind as will crumbles
ready and more than willing to sleep
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
a passing thought on this and that
reminds you how quickly a lifetime can pass
each of us stunned at how slow life trudges along
and how fast in hindsight were the long years in going
a fleeting glimpse of a happening now just memory
reminds of the futility in wishing to repair
an unfixable past or fret a future that has yet to arrive
the passing thought past and the next thought here...right now....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
reminds you how quickly a lifetime can pass
each of us stunned at how slow life trudges along
and how fast in hindsight were the long years in going
a fleeting glimpse of a happening now just memory
reminds of the futility in wishing to repair
an unfixable past or fret a future that has yet to arrive
the passing thought past and the next thought here...right now....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
how will I contradict myself today?
think a closure is an opening when it's not?
think a closure is an opening when it is?
think vise versa unable to tell which is which?
think love conquers all?
think a broken love can be mended?
think of all the right going wrong and wrong
going right as I think I can reconcile myself?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
think a closure is an opening when it's not?
think a closure is an opening when it is?
think vise versa unable to tell which is which?
think love conquers all?
think a broken love can be mended?
think of all the right going wrong and wrong
going right as I think I can reconcile myself?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
awake to my full potential
I'm paralyzed by the empty
prospects of a single possibility
thought still groggy from the dream
from which thought has emerged
and so not fully awake at all
but mind striving upward and out of
its darkness on the verge of waking
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I'm paralyzed by the empty
prospects of a single possibility
thought still groggy from the dream
from which thought has emerged
and so not fully awake at all
but mind striving upward and out of
its darkness on the verge of waking
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
we have little left to bargain with...
the sky the earth
the horizons where they embrace
they are full over our grasping fingers
while we are depleted
clinging to the ground
a small part of the total vision
but conspicuous by being a niggling detail...
all we have got left to bargain with....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
the sky the earth
the horizons where they embrace
they are full over our grasping fingers
while we are depleted
clinging to the ground
a small part of the total vision
but conspicuous by being a niggling detail...
all we have got left to bargain with....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
if I were you I wouldn't sweat these things of life
yes I do it because I have an active mind
that finds it hard to rest and can't believe
some of the shit that is going on in this creation
but I know when to let the exhausted mind go
and settle back into a chair and stimulant in hand
laugh at my own and everyone else's foolishness
eventually it all comes down to the last sight of the bottom
of a beer bottle and sentimental tripe about a love
that forgot you long about and choose another life
and is now like you facing the consequences of that choice
christ how many times have I told you?
yes we must get right with our Maker
but not consciously or we'll only screw things up again
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
yes I do it because I have an active mind
that finds it hard to rest and can't believe
some of the shit that is going on in this creation
but I know when to let the exhausted mind go
and settle back into a chair and stimulant in hand
laugh at my own and everyone else's foolishness
eventually it all comes down to the last sight of the bottom
of a beer bottle and sentimental tripe about a love
that forgot you long about and choose another life
and is now like you facing the consequences of that choice
christ how many times have I told you?
yes we must get right with our Maker
but not consciously or we'll only screw things up again
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
we look in the mirror and say "God"
well...yes...and no....
to know you are a (fractured) part of the whole
and think that makes you the whole
is the fatal mistake that all searchers encounter
your part is all its limited
glory but the part draws its strength from the whole
which it will never comprehend as long as it looks
in a mirror and says "God"
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
well...yes...and no....
to know you are a (fractured) part of the whole
and think that makes you the whole
is the fatal mistake that all searchers encounter
your part is all its limited
glory but the part draws its strength from the whole
which it will never comprehend as long as it looks
in a mirror and says "God"
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I'd busted through the hedges
and took a little snatch
but then I got infected
by a nasty little scratch
and now when I see pussy
gliding through the grass
I hide until the lioness and cubs
ramble lazily and pass
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
and took a little snatch
but then I got infected
by a nasty little scratch
and now when I see pussy
gliding through the grass
I hide until the lioness and cubs
ramble lazily and pass
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
those who will not or cannot
forgive themselves
cast themselves to the grinding fates
and call it God's vengeance
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
forgive themselves
cast themselves to the grinding fates
and call it God's vengeance
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
NYC 5:03 AM
I'd sleep but for worry
I'd laugh but for cares
I'd step but to hurry
I'd try but for dares
too much with which to grapple
in every ravening day
I find harms in supply ample
enough to hold rest at bay
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I'd laugh but for cares
I'd step but to hurry
I'd try but for dares
too much with which to grapple
in every ravening day
I find harms in supply ample
enough to hold rest at bay
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
deluded by everything
including the realization of delusion
some talk to themselves
and call it prayer
and while the weight of guilt
adds to every confusion
the unavoidable shock of fact
neutralizes all consciousness where
all vanity wilts in its own reflection
because there is little goodness there
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
including the realization of delusion
some talk to themselves
and call it prayer
and while the weight of guilt
adds to every confusion
the unavoidable shock of fact
neutralizes all consciousness where
all vanity wilts in its own reflection
because there is little goodness there
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
my head can stand no more of anything
I guess the soul does have a saturation point
and wringing it out needs more strength
than my wrists can manage
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I guess the soul does have a saturation point
and wringing it out needs more strength
than my wrists can manage
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
too loud
too loud
my head's too loud
I can't hear the rustles of leaves
nor the soft ribbons of brooks
I live in a city
that is being destroyed by greed
and the jabber of jerks
who think this is fine
is as loud
as the destruction/construction
too loud
but tragically
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
too loud
my head's too loud
I can't hear the rustles of leaves
nor the soft ribbons of brooks
I live in a city
that is being destroyed by greed
and the jabber of jerks
who think this is fine
is as loud
as the destruction/construction
too loud
but tragically
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
a cacophony of souls crying
because they lost their way
when they've found their way
they'll hear nothing
but the hum of their being
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
because they lost their way
when they've found their way
they'll hear nothing
but the hum of their being
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
what was that?
it seemed familiar
maybe I'm confusing it
with something else I heard
made by someone else
who was me as I am him
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
it seemed familiar
maybe I'm confusing it
with something else I heard
made by someone else
who was me as I am him
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
the sound echoes back
who hears it
through the mountains of their minds?
I'll never know in this life
or maybe in any other life
I only recognize it because I made it
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito,
who hears it
through the mountains of their minds?
I'll never know in this life
or maybe in any other life
I only recognize it because I made it
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito,
I play only one note
on my flute
but I bend it in so many ways
does it matter?
only if you're there to hear it....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
on my flute
but I bend it in so many ways
does it matter?
only if you're there to hear it....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
imaginary newspaper gossip column:
Eileen Myles and Patti Smith gouging
on vegetable schnitzels and blintzes
at the Ukrainian East Village Restaurant....
live long enough
and you will be enshrined....)
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Eileen Myles and Patti Smith gouging
on vegetable schnitzels and blintzes
at the Ukrainian East Village Restaurant....
live long enough
and you will be enshrined....)
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Monday, September 21, 2015
I thought I came to save you
what vanity
here you are doing well
and I'M the one at the end of his rope
whatever I did I did
because I thought it was the right thing
and would help
well here I am fatally corrected
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
what vanity
here you are doing well
and I'M the one at the end of his rope
whatever I did I did
because I thought it was the right thing
and would help
well here I am fatally corrected
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
act and be defied
stay still and receive everything
life's not a joke
it's a koan
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
stay still and receive everything
life's not a joke
it's a koan
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
how I wish I lay safely drifting into sleep
with a father's good night blessing
uttered over closing eyes
and untroubled dreams after
that reconstructed the glorious day
we all were this child once
and only the slight tears of memory welling
bless where this life's road started
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
with a father's good night blessing
uttered over closing eyes
and untroubled dreams after
that reconstructed the glorious day
we all were this child once
and only the slight tears of memory welling
bless where this life's road started
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
eclipses and nodes and transits and retrogrades
scoff at your own peril
there's a reason why the only control you have
in life is over your next move
and the outcomes are not your business
and all this cosmic activity invisibly scours
everything you failed to do right in setting your choice
in motion and what is that but just your own try at wisdom?
Content (c) 2008-02015 Philip Milito.
scoff at your own peril
there's a reason why the only control you have
in life is over your next move
and the outcomes are not your business
and all this cosmic activity invisibly scours
everything you failed to do right in setting your choice
in motion and what is that but just your own try at wisdom?
Content (c) 2008-02015 Philip Milito.
our Oneness in God is our blessing
our Oneness in God is also our curse
our Oneness makes us share our testing
as our Oneness reduces us to our worse
it's beyond figuring and we sin if we try
all this consideration that tears like a wolf tooth
and leaves us nonplussed and in anguished cry
as if we ever did know what exactly is the truth....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
our Oneness in God is also our curse
our Oneness makes us share our testing
as our Oneness reduces us to our worse
it's beyond figuring and we sin if we try
all this consideration that tears like a wolf tooth
and leaves us nonplussed and in anguished cry
as if we ever did know what exactly is the truth....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
common the ailments
common the complaints
this is our condition
this is the lot we've drawn
stop whining like a spoiled baby
when you've stubbed your toe
so many others would give anything
to have their leg back
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
common the complaints
this is our condition
this is the lot we've drawn
stop whining like a spoiled baby
when you've stubbed your toe
so many others would give anything
to have their leg back
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
one step after another
on a dead road
all your works crumbling
all you've loved passing
as if it ever mattered
beyond the instant of its glory
and the sad brunt of our brief day is hope
that our ephemeral achievement extend past our dying
Content (c)2008-2015 Philip Milito.
on a dead road
all your works crumbling
all you've loved passing
as if it ever mattered
beyond the instant of its glory
and the sad brunt of our brief day is hope
that our ephemeral achievement extend past our dying
Content (c)2008-2015 Philip Milito.
nothing works or ever did
each generation had its own illusion of infinity
you'll bust your ass in the name of some tyrant
and miss out on hind best....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
each generation had its own illusion of infinity
you'll bust your ass in the name of some tyrant
and miss out on hind best....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
nobody knows when to laugh
only when to reach for his gun
and start blasting
and especially if he thinks
someone's laughing at him...
Luther once said "if you can't drive out
the Devil with Scripture...try laughing at him"
I think sadly we're way past that point....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
only when to reach for his gun
and start blasting
and especially if he thinks
someone's laughing at him...
Luther once said "if you can't drive out
the Devil with Scripture...try laughing at him"
I think sadly we're way past that point....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
how can one not be angry with the world
when 99.9% of one's fellows creatures
douse every damnable fire with kerosene?
and what of the Almighty?
is the One guzzling infinitudes of beer
to work up a huge enough piss to douse the thing?
Content 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
when 99.9% of one's fellows creatures
douse every damnable fire with kerosene?
and what of the Almighty?
is the One guzzling infinitudes of beer
to work up a huge enough piss to douse the thing?
Content 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
ah why complain?
it's Saturday night
and that means steak and corn and mashed potatoes
for dinner and Chiller Theater after that
then noctilucent clouds above the porch
in the mild end of a summer night...
it might as well be tonight for all
the vividness of the memory....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
it's Saturday night
and that means steak and corn and mashed potatoes
for dinner and Chiller Theater after that
then noctilucent clouds above the porch
in the mild end of a summer night...
it might as well be tonight for all
the vividness of the memory....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
another second
in another minute
of another hour
of another day
of another week
of another month
of yet another year
and oh this over and over and over
and over and over and over and over....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
in another minute
of another hour
of another day
of another week
of another month
of yet another year
and oh this over and over and over
and over and over and over and over....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
we crowd the chicanes of the world's path
yes it's a defeat of our movement
yes it reins in our will to exceed
and well it should
you clowns of speed and disrespect
you know "first one now
will later be last?"
I'm for anything that defeats your pride
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
yes it's a defeat of our movement
yes it reins in our will to exceed
and well it should
you clowns of speed and disrespect
you know "first one now
will later be last?"
I'm for anything that defeats your pride
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Friday, September 18, 2015
you stand under a crisp blue sky
and again start positing ideas of infinity
but the sun blinds you for a moment
and as you look away with your thoughts forgotten
there you are again
perfect under a crisp blue sky
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
and again start positing ideas of infinity
but the sun blinds you for a moment
and as you look away with your thoughts forgotten
there you are again
perfect under a crisp blue sky
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
trust and satisfaction
are hard come by these days
maybe they always were
but to finally come to a place in mind
where you really need neither
now that's rare indeed
how easy to embrace the whole universe
when you believe in nothing
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
are hard come by these days
maybe they always were
but to finally come to a place in mind
where you really need neither
now that's rare indeed
how easy to embrace the whole universe
when you believe in nothing
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I don't mind a bit
if I wind up dying of you
I'll be released from the earth
and you will die one day
with my blood on your hands...
how's that for a win-win scenario?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
if I wind up dying of you
I'll be released from the earth
and you will die one day
with my blood on your hands...
how's that for a win-win scenario?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
somewhere you're breaking another heart
and you have the law on your side
but what looks outside so golden and smart
is just another pile of shit inside
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
and you have the law on your side
but what looks outside so golden and smart
is just another pile of shit inside
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
your name will be called
but all you'll hear is a shrieking of birds
or a low feline rumbling
or a serpentine hissing
from beneath a fern
and the city you thought
some earthly paradise
will revert to its basic elements
and marmots will lose your luggage
and your meeting will be a gathering
of pigs around a trough
munching and slurping and smacking
the next piglet to be sacrificed for the lions on top
oh these cliches are as trite as they are true
and since no one gets it
another prey falls to a predator
while some insects camouflage themselves
to look like the sticks of furniture they occupy
and either you'll live to squeal the tale or no longer be
anything for any purpose but somehow some way at some time
your name will be called like the belch of an alpha asshole
and you won't even have time to think "what was that?"
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
but all you'll hear is a shrieking of birds
or a low feline rumbling
or a serpentine hissing
from beneath a fern
and the city you thought
some earthly paradise
will revert to its basic elements
and marmots will lose your luggage
and your meeting will be a gathering
of pigs around a trough
munching and slurping and smacking
the next piglet to be sacrificed for the lions on top
oh these cliches are as trite as they are true
and since no one gets it
another prey falls to a predator
while some insects camouflage themselves
to look like the sticks of furniture they occupy
and either you'll live to squeal the tale or no longer be
anything for any purpose but somehow some way at some time
your name will be called like the belch of an alpha asshole
and you won't even have time to think "what was that?"
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
oh how I wish I was the simpleton I was
I knew nothing and thought nothing of it
and I probably acted more freely and proper
than the egomaniac who replaced him
but all of us pay some kind of price
and my arrogance is all spent
we all dig into our loose pockets for change
and hope the god will take an i.o.u.
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I knew nothing and thought nothing of it
and I probably acted more freely and proper
than the egomaniac who replaced him
but all of us pay some kind of price
and my arrogance is all spent
we all dig into our loose pockets for change
and hope the god will take an i.o.u.
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
you know I could get used to this...
sitting here like some dizzy dope
and not even notice the weights of karma
sending a dish of the scale down
to crush my nodding head...
like those who do not believe in continuance
dying into nothingness because that's what they expected...
in even this judgment the One is merciful....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
sitting here like some dizzy dope
and not even notice the weights of karma
sending a dish of the scale down
to crush my nodding head...
like those who do not believe in continuance
dying into nothingness because that's what they expected...
in even this judgment the One is merciful....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I went through all the shit in my life
to wind up like this?
old...sad...with fading memories
oozing out of the wreckage I ramble in?
oh...excuse me...this is the human condition...
we all go through this
and here I am crabby waiting for my peers
to make it to our last BBQ
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
to wind up like this?
old...sad...with fading memories
oozing out of the wreckage I ramble in?
oh...excuse me...this is the human condition...
we all go through this
and here I am crabby waiting for my peers
to make it to our last BBQ
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I know so few
want to hear what I bring
but am I just following a compulsion
to fill some emptiness
or is there a reason for all this oratory?
heh...I'm posing a question to any of you
that the Oneself Itself won't even answer
do what I do...have a drug of choice and stare at the sunset....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
want to hear what I bring
but am I just following a compulsion
to fill some emptiness
or is there a reason for all this oratory?
heh...I'm posing a question to any of you
that the Oneself Itself won't even answer
do what I do...have a drug of choice and stare at the sunset....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
you thought you found a genius
but he wasn't one
and soon all his profound pronouncements
sounded like the trash-talk of a bum
but he thought he had a devoted slave
ans spun his words more wildly
and stopped dismayed the day he realized
that she would no longer hear him
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
but he wasn't one
and soon all his profound pronouncements
sounded like the trash-talk of a bum
but he thought he had a devoted slave
ans spun his words more wildly
and stopped dismayed the day he realized
that she would no longer hear him
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
eh?...why are you all laughing at me?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
eh?...why are you all laughing at me?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
why is it
that even after
you've overcome
some great adversity
or bested some enemy
after you for hate's sake alone
why is it there's still no peace
and no sense of anything being rectified?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
that even after
you've overcome
some great adversity
or bested some enemy
after you for hate's sake alone
why is it there's still no peace
and no sense of anything being rectified?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Monday, September 14, 2015
everything I ever claimed to want so badly
I refuse and leave in a heap on some roadside...
my whole lifetime of "stupidest mistakes"
crushing me with some recent one probably being
the fatal blow that is making me malinger in remorse
rather than outright die...
oh I could say it was this love or that
the devoted mate losing to the wild faithless lover...
or maybe hate for those who squandered chances I'd've killed for...
or a betrayed trust that led to
a tiny twinge of greed that made me try to out-wheedle
some equally unscrupulous partner...
any of these from this litany of common sins
could've done the most harm... even when recognized
any attempt at amendment did no real good after all...
these taught only the emptiness of a clinging to our lower minds
and aspirations unappeasable to souls that wanted some higher ground
and somehow lost the way in trying to find it...
I can't say I'm lonely...everyone else's unwanted baggage
looks the same as mine on this roadside...each of us searching
for our paths...going forward to find the place where we'll pass over...
chastened and these particular ways done....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I refuse and leave in a heap on some roadside...
my whole lifetime of "stupidest mistakes"
crushing me with some recent one probably being
the fatal blow that is making me malinger in remorse
rather than outright die...
oh I could say it was this love or that
the devoted mate losing to the wild faithless lover...
or maybe hate for those who squandered chances I'd've killed for...
or a betrayed trust that led to
a tiny twinge of greed that made me try to out-wheedle
some equally unscrupulous partner...
any of these from this litany of common sins
could've done the most harm... even when recognized
any attempt at amendment did no real good after all...
these taught only the emptiness of a clinging to our lower minds
and aspirations unappeasable to souls that wanted some higher ground
and somehow lost the way in trying to find it...
I can't say I'm lonely...everyone else's unwanted baggage
looks the same as mine on this roadside...each of us searching
for our paths...going forward to find the place where we'll pass over...
chastened and these particular ways done....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
well the fool I am
knows more
than the wise man
who pretended to knowledge
beyond his ken
the more I know
the less I understand
I must have had a breakthrough
serves me right
while every stupid move casually
kicked over every karmic tripwire
and here I am knowing only
that I know nothing
unsurpassed as the wise fool
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
knows more
than the wise man
who pretended to knowledge
beyond his ken
the more I know
the less I understand
I must have had a breakthrough
serves me right
while every stupid move casually
kicked over every karmic tripwire
and here I am knowing only
that I know nothing
unsurpassed as the wise fool
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
everywhere I go
I run into myself
different names
and different faces
genders and attitudes
strengths and weaknesses
but it's me all right
and each of me thinks
the same of themselves
ever the question in the earth
we're all One
but which One?
and that is why wherever we go
there we are
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I run into myself
different names
and different faces
genders and attitudes
strengths and weaknesses
but it's me all right
and each of me thinks
the same of themselves
ever the question in the earth
we're all One
but which One?
and that is why wherever we go
there we are
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
all departures are returns
this you will remember
when you arrive
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
this you will remember
when you arrive
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Friday, September 11, 2015
I have no heart
since I lost yours
did our time
matter at all?
all memory hurts
with regret
and how long before
death extends its shade?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
since I lost yours
did our time
matter at all?
all memory hurts
with regret
and how long before
death extends its shade?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
my days are gone
my past a story
upon which Baron
Munchausen couldn't improve
but what do truth and falsity
matter...both are real
because both exist
I cannot vouch for your
honesty but nor will I
call you a liar
and all afterward
isn't our business anyway
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
my past a story
upon which Baron
Munchausen couldn't improve
but what do truth and falsity
matter...both are real
because both exist
I cannot vouch for your
honesty but nor will I
call you a liar
and all afterward
isn't our business anyway
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
shalom and aloha
both mean goodbye and hello
how appropriate since none of us
know whether we're coming or going
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
both mean goodbye and hello
how appropriate since none of us
know whether we're coming or going
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
earlier nightfalls
and leaves growing russet and yellow
autumn already
that days ago were the first hot summer days
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
and leaves growing russet and yellow
autumn already
that days ago were the first hot summer days
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I believe in a continuance of consciousness
beyond this worldly sojourn
but I know as little (maybe even less)
than others of my persuasion
about such things
either the Light leads ever onward or
it's last call lights outs that's all brother
either way I can only wish the life I had was happier
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
beyond this worldly sojourn
but I know as little (maybe even less)
than others of my persuasion
about such things
either the Light leads ever onward or
it's last call lights outs that's all brother
either way I can only wish the life I had was happier
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
no mercy for you
when you weaken and fall
enjoy your strength
while you can savage another
when you're tired
and past prime
your last word will be silent
as some blunt club ends your light
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
when you weaken and fall
enjoy your strength
while you can savage another
when you're tired
and past prime
your last word will be silent
as some blunt club ends your light
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I searched for some escape route
but found none because there's nowhere else be here
so I lie down and close my eyes
and hope when they get me I won't feel too sharply
the breaking of my bones
at the pounding of their clubs and ax handles
these 'good decent' citizens who'll run you to ground
if you don't undergo their lobotomy
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
but found none because there's nowhere else be here
so I lie down and close my eyes
and hope when they get me I won't feel too sharply
the breaking of my bones
at the pounding of their clubs and ax handles
these 'good decent' citizens who'll run you to ground
if you don't undergo their lobotomy
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
why am I breaking my own heart?
I already love my fellow creatures
(albeit with the proverbial pinch of salt)
and I let go the ones too far gone for help
they must straighten themselves and can't)
but to try to be more than I can be
for the sake of some unforgiving maniac
threatening my death if I don't get in line...
no...that's where we part company and I find out
for myself if my own goodness is worth
all that others put on it...if that's so
then I've truly failed miserably...
better to be for's the only way
I can be there for others...or doesn't God understand?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I already love my fellow creatures
(albeit with the proverbial pinch of salt)
and I let go the ones too far gone for help
they must straighten themselves and can't)
but to try to be more than I can be
for the sake of some unforgiving maniac
threatening my death if I don't get in line...
no...that's where we part company and I find out
for myself if my own goodness is worth
all that others put on it...if that's so
then I've truly failed miserably...
better to be for's the only way
I can be there for others...or doesn't God understand?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I have no strength any longer
to challenge the rogues of religion
ISIS and the Jewish fundamentalists
are bad enough but our american home-grown
terrorists twist every word of scripture to fit
their unstoppable insanity
(and I DO mean that bumpkin clerk refusing
to issue marriage licenses to gay lovers
(four times divorced may I add?
or does that make her more of a heroine to the idiots?)
and her great supporter Mike Huckleberry Hound)
how easy in their ignorance to spin Romans 13:1-7
(I won't even go far enough to point out how spurious
these passages may be if they are not an interpolation
from Pauline ideas that refute this section of Romans)*
see? you need a brain and more...a conscience...
to examine this stuff...let alone take it seriously...
the most basic code to live by is do unto others
as you'd have them do unto you...God Almighty...
does this still have to be said this late in the game?
are all of you still so dim and locked into yourselves
that you don't get it?
jump up and down and have a beer or more...
I suffer from a lack of peers
and frankly getting out now is the holiest thing
I can imagine...let the evil rule and let God glance away...
we may all in our way wreck and ruin the world
but nothing fixes the harm...
not even this so-called god to whom
all things are possible...yeah...right....
*If it's worth your time to you, check to see what they have to say on the matter. If the holy interpreters don't know for sure, why should ignorant us bear the onus? I see the sin and hate in the world, and I wonder what this alleged god is thinking.
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
to challenge the rogues of religion
ISIS and the Jewish fundamentalists
are bad enough but our american home-grown
terrorists twist every word of scripture to fit
their unstoppable insanity
(and I DO mean that bumpkin clerk refusing
to issue marriage licenses to gay lovers
(four times divorced may I add?
or does that make her more of a heroine to the idiots?)
and her great supporter Mike Huckleberry Hound)
how easy in their ignorance to spin Romans 13:1-7
(I won't even go far enough to point out how spurious
these passages may be if they are not an interpolation
from Pauline ideas that refute this section of Romans)*
see? you need a brain and more...a conscience...
to examine this stuff...let alone take it seriously...
the most basic code to live by is do unto others
as you'd have them do unto you...God Almighty...
does this still have to be said this late in the game?
are all of you still so dim and locked into yourselves
that you don't get it?
jump up and down and have a beer or more...
I suffer from a lack of peers
and frankly getting out now is the holiest thing
I can imagine...let the evil rule and let God glance away...
we may all in our way wreck and ruin the world
but nothing fixes the harm...
not even this so-called god to whom
all things are possible...yeah...right....
*If it's worth your time to you, check to see what they have to say on the matter. If the holy interpreters don't know for sure, why should ignorant us bear the onus? I see the sin and hate in the world, and I wonder what this alleged god is thinking.
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
god may save and god may not
god does all but takes no blame
and so no matter what you do
the whole damn thing is strictly on you
don't cling too tightly to what you've got
you'll hold on but lose it all just the same
no evil's worth pain and no good rings true
live as best as you know and see what you get
when this life is through
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
god does all but takes no blame
and so no matter what you do
the whole damn thing is strictly on you
don't cling too tightly to what you've got
you'll hold on but lose it all just the same
no evil's worth pain and no good rings true
live as best as you know and see what you get
when this life is through
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
we're all sinking in this overcrowded dinghy
bucketful after bucketful of water goes over the side
but fast as we bail the water rises
and there we go swimming for that illusive shore
and if we make that heavenly shore
what wonders we will see
and if we don't what wonders we will see
that draw us to their brief domain before we drown
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
bucketful after bucketful of water goes over the side
but fast as we bail the water rises
and there we go swimming for that illusive shore
and if we make that heavenly shore
what wonders we will see
and if we don't what wonders we will see
that draw us to their brief domain before we drown
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
the only problem for those who believe in death
is that walking around in their slowly rotting skins
they're already more than half gone...
it's the consciousness that looks through their eyes
that will carry the load of their particular lives
and even then they'll confuse the earthly me
with the eternal I and continue their journey
just missing the transcendence they can hardly imagine
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
is that walking around in their slowly rotting skins
they're already more than half gone...
it's the consciousness that looks through their eyes
that will carry the load of their particular lives
and even then they'll confuse the earthly me
with the eternal I and continue their journey
just missing the transcendence they can hardly imagine
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
well it's been a blast
(at least it was when we were
in our full strength)
but we've had our time
and the content of our being
is filled with loves and determination
how sad to be old grandpa
resenting and blessing
those now fully in their prime
and yet how glad to be done with it
the desire always hotter than the outcome
my shoulder's tapped and I surrender my seat
to some young buck who'll wind up like me
I hope he knows all he'll get is good and more than enough
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
(at least it was when we were
in our full strength)
but we've had our time
and the content of our being
is filled with loves and determination
how sad to be old grandpa
resenting and blessing
those now fully in their prime
and yet how glad to be done with it
the desire always hotter than the outcome
my shoulder's tapped and I surrender my seat
to some young buck who'll wind up like me
I hope he knows all he'll get is good and more than enough
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
we look for our completion
and that's where we fail
none of it is directly any of our business
what we do will come back on us
and none of us can say
who we will be the next time
we tread the earth in new identities
and face the same matters we failed to handle this time
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
and that's where we fail
none of it is directly any of our business
what we do will come back on us
and none of us can say
who we will be the next time
we tread the earth in new identities
and face the same matters we failed to handle this time
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
life is forever
we know it in our souls
it's just that we think
this forever is going to be about
our identities in this particular time
in the earth
when you are no longer me
will you recognize yourself as I?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philp Milito.
we know it in our souls
it's just that we think
this forever is going to be about
our identities in this particular time
in the earth
when you are no longer me
will you recognize yourself as I?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philp Milito.
I left little messages for you
and you didn't pick up on any one of them
don't say I didn't try to get to you
say rather you didn't care after all
and what else you picked up on will be
what you will have to explain
none of us is wholly guilt or wholly innocent
pride will be our leveling
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
and you didn't pick up on any one of them
don't say I didn't try to get to you
say rather you didn't care after all
and what else you picked up on will be
what you will have to explain
none of us is wholly guilt or wholly innocent
pride will be our leveling
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
this hot early September street
must be like the afterlife we await
souls stumbling ragged in the
unforgiving heat
and every shade an invitation
to rest in yet another past moment
making you regret what you did
to wind up this way
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
must be like the afterlife we await
souls stumbling ragged in the
unforgiving heat
and every shade an invitation
to rest in yet another past moment
making you regret what you did
to wind up this way
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
after a lifetime
at the circus
I finally found
the exit
and left the flap
of the tent
fluttering like a hurricane
just blew through
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
at the circus
I finally found
the exit
and left the flap
of the tent
fluttering like a hurricane
just blew through
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Monday, September 7, 2015
be in the instant of your living
be act do live love
exactly as you will
because even God is disgusting beyond measure
and all who love and wish to amend
are destroyed utterly by this god
make no mistake
and you as a mere creature in this chaos
have nothing to say about it
so love and do as you will as they used to say
(you have no control over the outcome)
and let this disgusting Tyrant do as it will
and if this Tyrant is so precise beyond anything
we could call honesty or trustworthiness
then you'll walk forever in the All
and if not well even then who knows
what will be? nothingness? ultimate death?
most expect this already and handle it
with greater grace than the ninnies who cling to consciousness
forgetting 'he who would save his life must lose it'
if God is not this mad psychopath demanding more
than we can give then don't even think of that either
lest you start imposing your ignorant frightened self
and continuing your clinging to your doom
yes here is the simplest release from your anguish
the very thing God Itself will stand back
to let you choke in by yourself
just try to forget God altogether don't praise don't blame
just live as rightly as you know how
and let everyone including God play their power games
ignore it all and live in the instant and let everyone else
go to the hells in which they need for you to go with them....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
be act do live love
exactly as you will
because even God is disgusting beyond measure
and all who love and wish to amend
are destroyed utterly by this god
make no mistake
and you as a mere creature in this chaos
have nothing to say about it
so love and do as you will as they used to say
(you have no control over the outcome)
and let this disgusting Tyrant do as it will
and if this Tyrant is so precise beyond anything
we could call honesty or trustworthiness
then you'll walk forever in the All
and if not well even then who knows
what will be? nothingness? ultimate death?
most expect this already and handle it
with greater grace than the ninnies who cling to consciousness
forgetting 'he who would save his life must lose it'
if God is not this mad psychopath demanding more
than we can give then don't even think of that either
lest you start imposing your ignorant frightened self
and continuing your clinging to your doom
yes here is the simplest release from your anguish
the very thing God Itself will stand back
to let you choke in by yourself
just try to forget God altogether don't praise don't blame
just live as rightly as you know how
and let everyone including God play their power games
ignore it all and live in the instant and let everyone else
go to the hells in which they need for you to go with them....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I no longer know happiness
but I do know peace
or at least stillness
(or is it numbness?)
as I fade the Void does increase
and I grow calmer as my aches decrease
I can scarce imagine when consciousness
will make all this sweet agony cease
Content(c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
but I do know peace
or at least stillness
(or is it numbness?)
as I fade the Void does increase
and I grow calmer as my aches decrease
I can scarce imagine when consciousness
will make all this sweet agony cease
Content(c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
juckin' fesus
what the hell's going on?
the more you try to do good
the more you're shat upon
polish your fool vanity
take in vain God's Name to praise it
but if this cold vengeance of God is all there is
then who the fuck needs it?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito
what the hell's going on?
the more you try to do good
the more you're shat upon
polish your fool vanity
take in vain God's Name to praise it
but if this cold vengeance of God is all there is
then who the fuck needs it?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito
Saturday, September 5, 2015
those who wake up to Reality
lose all joy in living
they see for themselves
the heartless grinding processes
of creation and just how the All
is worked through it all
but all that's really lost
is our mistaken notions of what life actually is
be like a Buddha and be unaffected
by the tenuous unreal universes and more
detach and you will still find ways
to meditate and show compassion
be yourself and you will still be creative and at peace
detach because illusion is real and it kills
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
lose all joy in living
they see for themselves
the heartless grinding processes
of creation and just how the All
is worked through it all
but all that's really lost
is our mistaken notions of what life actually is
be like a Buddha and be unaffected
by the tenuous unreal universes and more
detach and you will still find ways
to meditate and show compassion
be yourself and you will still be creative and at peace
detach because illusion is real and it kills
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
wherever I go
I find myself already there
did I miss myself
in my rush?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I find myself already there
did I miss myself
in my rush?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
always in step
but never in line
perfection is so evanescent
it might seemingly not be at all
yet we hold the only course we know
daunted by every unchangeable mistake
perfection seems so self-defeating
yet that is exactly why the One demands it of us
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
but never in line
perfection is so evanescent
it might seemingly not be at all
yet we hold the only course we know
daunted by every unchangeable mistake
perfection seems so self-defeating
yet that is exactly why the One demands it of us
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
love is the antidote
to the evil (as such) of Cosmic Disharmony
but love can be as hard as evil
when we try to amend our way
back to the One's essential Harmony
talk about the cure that kills
we pay so hard for every misstep
and are returned so little for any amendments
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
to the evil (as such) of Cosmic Disharmony
but love can be as hard as evil
when we try to amend our way
back to the One's essential Harmony
talk about the cure that kills
we pay so hard for every misstep
and are returned so little for any amendments
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Friday, September 4, 2015
oh my sweet Baucis
loosen your neck
and don't feel
your own passion a betrayal
our love tied many desires
together in a good mix
until there was a stumbling
that made us doubt our choices
I own my fault
and you will face your share in due time
but no matter where we wind up
in this earth you will know
we will wind up entwined
in an eternal grove somewhere
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
loosen your neck
and don't feel
your own passion a betrayal
our love tied many desires
together in a good mix
until there was a stumbling
that made us doubt our choices
I own my fault
and you will face your share in due time
but no matter where we wind up
in this earth you will know
we will wind up entwined
in an eternal grove somewhere
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
until such time as I'm called forth
to crossover from this sojourn
I will love and desire every woman and thing
that makes my pitiful heart burn
I do not wish to make too much
of every twitch that compels me
but whatever I've fixed and whatever I've ruined in my soul
I've had joyous help all around me
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
to crossover from this sojourn
I will love and desire every woman and thing
that makes my pitiful heart burn
I do not wish to make too much
of every twitch that compels me
but whatever I've fixed and whatever I've ruined in my soul
I've had joyous help all around me
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
so my vision of heaven
will be the last thing on earth I see
and the reality after earthly release
the first thing that will shame my imagination
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
will be the last thing on earth I see
and the reality after earthly release
the first thing that will shame my imagination
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I'd laugh at life's absurdity
if it didn't hurt so much
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
if it didn't hurt so much
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
people do not understand
anything outside their own bubbles
odd since none of us is any different
than the other except for each's overblown sense of self
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
anything outside their own bubbles
odd since none of us is any different
than the other except for each's overblown sense of self
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
laying back down to bed
I'm a little calmer
I'm less restive
but my eyes won't close
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I'm a little calmer
I'm less restive
but my eyes won't close
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
unlucky the lover
who cannot tell
it was his pride
that dismissed his love
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
who cannot tell
it was his pride
that dismissed his love
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
in the false dawn
the lights of a plane
draw me away for a moment
from my unrestful mind
it has taken
my consciousness with it
as it disappears
into the distance
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
the lights of a plane
draw me away for a moment
from my unrestful mind
it has taken
my consciousness with it
as it disappears
into the distance
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
all the "I'm sorry"s
plowed into a huge pile
don't really matter
after the damage is done
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
plowed into a huge pile
don't really matter
after the damage is done
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
you strive
Buddha tells us
to strive ceaselessly
counter-intuitive doesn't it?
does empty heart know to grieve?
does blank mind know its blank?
you strive to not strive
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Buddha tells us
to strive ceaselessly
counter-intuitive doesn't it?
does empty heart know to grieve?
does blank mind know its blank?
you strive to not strive
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
death waits
like a rat
crouching cornered
ready to strike
let it
I do not fear the rat
and I do not
fear death
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito
like a rat
crouching cornered
ready to strike
let it
I do not fear the rat
and I do not
fear death
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito
3 AM
3 am in new york city
half moon high
you sleep
turned away from me
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
half moon high
you sleep
turned away from me
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
hazy night
early September
summer's last flaring
before autumn chill
all of life past
all of life gone
and memory
long as infinity
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
early September
summer's last flaring
before autumn chill
all of life past
all of life gone
and memory
long as infinity
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
my love is tired
exhausted by its time
running out like salt
from a torn sack
but it is my love
and wherever it goes
it will plague the tail
of some other bird
and those who've shared
this time with me
may they wind up in better shape
than in what I've come to be
tired but as ready as I can be
to be what I am
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
exhausted by its time
running out like salt
from a torn sack
but it is my love
and wherever it goes
it will plague the tail
of some other bird
and those who've shared
this time with me
may they wind up in better shape
than in what I've come to be
tired but as ready as I can be
to be what I am
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
call upon the wheeling galaxies
and their pulsating stars to witness your tragedy
though you are too small to be seen
your agony's part of the process
but to be anointed and raised
forgiven and saved...if I were you
I'd be glad enough to take refuge in my smallness
no matter how vast the Whole I'm a part of....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
and their pulsating stars to witness your tragedy
though you are too small to be seen
your agony's part of the process
but to be anointed and raised
forgiven and saved...if I were you
I'd be glad enough to take refuge in my smallness
no matter how vast the Whole I'm a part of....
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
for the Ineffable One
our suffering is the One's happiness
how should I know?
I'm no different than anyone else
I broke my own heart trying to set things right
but for the Ineffable One
our failure is the One's triumph
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
our suffering is the One's happiness
how should I know?
I'm no different than anyone else
I broke my own heart trying to set things right
but for the Ineffable One
our failure is the One's triumph
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I tried
I really really tried
but God would not forgive
and no amount of repentance
would change the miserable fate
of one who awoke to his fate
God is not love
we are love and love is weak and useless
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I really really tried
but God would not forgive
and no amount of repentance
would change the miserable fate
of one who awoke to his fate
God is not love
we are love and love is weak and useless
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
I should have known
repentance doesn't work
consequence cannot be neutralized
by a change of heart
and those who think so
don't realize how safe and soft they have it
I should have known
not to listen to a satisfied man
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
repentance doesn't work
consequence cannot be neutralized
by a change of heart
and those who think so
don't realize how safe and soft they have it
I should have known
not to listen to a satisfied man
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
what has the shit-eating fly to do
in some Great Cosmic Plan?
for that matter what do we humans have
to say about our failures to understand?
we are mere parts of some outrageous whole
where each part thinks it's the whole
and if we could see purely this unity
could we sustain or would we all go scattered again?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
in some Great Cosmic Plan?
for that matter what do we humans have
to say about our failures to understand?
we are mere parts of some outrageous whole
where each part thinks it's the whole
and if we could see purely this unity
could we sustain or would we all go scattered again?
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
following quickly the scented feet
swift with temptation naked and fleet
I followed you into your grove
and watched you recline on the wet stones
and in that instant I was ensnared
by the desire that led me to dare
to join you in the humid noon hot and fresh
to become as one merged flesh
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
swift with temptation naked and fleet
I followed you into your grove
and watched you recline on the wet stones
and in that instant I was ensnared
by the desire that led me to dare
to join you in the humid noon hot and fresh
to become as one merged flesh
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
both of us are right and wrong
struck out blindly in love
and hurt each other into a union
that healed as much as it harmed
and before the scars manufactured our myths
our pained realization of the cost
draining that wound full of pus
which is what we've done to us
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
struck out blindly in love
and hurt each other into a union
that healed as much as it harmed
and before the scars manufactured our myths
our pained realization of the cost
draining that wound full of pus
which is what we've done to us
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
to move with caution is a must
but swiftly as well lest you lose your trust
in your ability to atone
and to face the ordeal alone
so make your step precise and brisk
because everything in life poses a risk
and even when the road is clear
there still may be some danger near
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
but swiftly as well lest you lose your trust
in your ability to atone
and to face the ordeal alone
so make your step precise and brisk
because everything in life poses a risk
and even when the road is clear
there still may be some danger near
Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.
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