Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I had a dream where I was driving through

a narrow way through two small outcroppings of rock

and as I emerged a man and a woman were moving an open gate

on the right side of the way that seemed like a scripted portal

and I stopped suddenly because the way ahead was down

a steep rocky decline that would have been the ruin of me and the car

to the right was a path overgrown with flowers and grass

sun-soaked in a soft blaze that would have been easy to navigate

but I thought it would take to long to get where I wanted to go

so I looked to my left and saw a rocky road

with shattered glass like broken beer bottles littering the way

too many shards to clear away to travel upon

and I awoke and had no idea what the portents were

since every move I've ever made seemed to be the wrong one....

Content (c) 2008-2014 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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