Monday, December 17, 2012

poor men...the dogs...

whip out their rods

and draw the various "ohhs" and "ahhs"

from every woman who wants

to be protected and supported

as they feather nests and their beds

poor women...the pussies...

love their big strong breadwinners

while mocking them to their girlfriends

or keeping it warm with the usual

round-up of strays because for all their homing desire

they need it fresh sometimes...wet warm gaps...

and the gays and lesbians who trade

plus and minus taking turns wearing

the apron or the jock in the house

accordingly and finding gender has nothing in this

just one who needs to dominate and be boss

the other to be dominated and answers to "serf"

a free and equal love?

where's my "Bwahhhhahaaaa!?"

poor heads all who think they transcend

when all they do is affirm...who brings the bird and who basts it...

Content (c) 2008-2012 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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