Saturday, November 5, 2011

why must You be such an asshole about everything?

isn't being "all there is" enough for You?

it's as if You're no better or different than us

except you saddled us with the liability

while You took no blame for Your own creation

and now You want hosannas up the whazoo

and punish us if we don't give them

and you wonder why we fail and fall

looking for the home that doesn't exist

looking for the love that is cruel jest

no wonder mystics are miserable in the world

is it homelessness for heaven

or realization that there is no heaven?

or that we are alone in nothingness

it nothing we nothing

nothing nothing

and nothing at all the asshole that is everything

You nothing All nothing

(...and please don't say "...and that's something")

and that's something

(oh you asshole you just had to say it...)

Content (c) 2008-2011 Philip Milito.

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