Friday, November 18, 2011


one life leads to the next

you don't know how or why

you're not supposed to know

how or why

all you have to do is press on

and try not to wind up

where you're not supposed

to be


you hate everyone who isn't you

you fool

they are you

and you are them

and you blame everyone else

for your own delusion

when we awaken

we see no divisions

when we awaken

the dream of individuality is over

and all you/we are

is an unique pattern

cut from a universal cloth

how does that suit you?


Jesus spoke in parables

because he knew no one would comprehend

the Mysteries he came to unveil

so he passed the Word

and we just heard what was in our capacity

to hear

not very constructive

but not meant to be so


who would lay down their life for another?

only one who knows their life is done if they don't

and what vanity that invites

that one walks a greasier tightrope

than the one who does so without thinking

and what redemption that unconsciously gains...


a life for a life

sacrifice only to one who counts the cost

beyond his powers of reckoning

but an uplifting to the one who

does so with no awareness of manipulating

the tote board


there is no freedom as such

we follow the vectors of being

and our only choice and attendant consequence

is to go stall or go with it

over and over age after age

this must be repeated and re-instilled

we follow the vectors of being

there is no freedom as such


lost in a haze of process

found in a clearing of result

it is in our power to go forward

it is not in our power to get where we're going

unless we get it right

God's Will is unmerciful

but God's Grace is inexhaustible

and the One does not play...


we all live under this condition of creation

this is the Deal

how lucky do you feel?

be careful before you plunge

luck and Grace are not easy companions

and nothing is given clean


lifetime after lifetime

the same issues

the same mistakes to be rectified

life after life

the door out

missed on the way to whatever objective

but then again there is

life after life

each life for each life

at best we break our bonds

at worst we we have more than enough rope

it's our choice

our eyes shut

fingers crossed



the very things that kill us

are the very things that free us and bid us live

standing back

or plunging mercilessly

we're all in

and hope the losing is the winning

what you'll never be able to take with you

or what has always been and will always be


* * * * *

Content (c) 2008-2011 Philip Milito.

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