Tuesday, October 4, 2011

what could be more degrading to the dead--

their grand-standing relatives making speeches over the corpse

or the depraved media encouraging blood-thirsty gawkers

to pronounce their own verdicts in the ignorance

of their self-aggrandizing need for importance?

how can these abominable people sully themselves

while they mock the grave they claim to honor?

they want--no--they demand justice even if the verdict clears the accused

they will let no doubt sway them--they want justice? horseshit!

they want vengeance! they want a head to roll! they want public execution!

they want their vanity satisified--how much more degrading

can this be--in a society that shows no conscience or civility?

how much worse can this be--in a time that--and among a people who--

show absolutely no shame?

Content (c) 2008-2011 Philip Milito.

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