Sunday, October 9, 2011

the afterglow

the ghost's face--

from where to where
the wandering spirit

makes known its presence

and what unbelievable sadness
should it learn

the one it wishes to haunt

has passed on but is free

not earthbound

you will scoff

none of this
your own souls

so encrusted in matter

that you may never see heaven again

but without belief you cannot care

and so
make yourself right

but to those spirits bound to the World
but just outside materiality

and to those they seek

and to those who in trance of second sight
or a flash at the corner of the eye

see them stalking themselves

to whom the greater pity
when a life's afterglow

shines on the haunted face
that turns to see the nothingness
beneath nothingness

and know it is alive beyond being alive

that there is no way to describe the indescribable
that all it seeks is gone and must forego

the attachment of seeking

the ghost's face sees the afterglow
feels the fading warmth on its face

and turns again
looking for it's way


Content (c) 2008-2011 Philip Milito.

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