Sunday, October 16, 2011

why did Jesus waste his blood?

in servitude to some absurd divine command

to be beholden to vanity?

to dance for every self-important dunce

who thinks he deserves respect

he hasn't even begun to earn?

what megalomaniacs will people

the Aquarian Age

what simple horrors of daily sloth

and mendacity will take all the good

from so many worthless attempts at blessing

the fatal ignorance of the proud and the lame

why did Jesus waste his blood

pleading forgiveness for the consensus of clowns

that rule us all to worldly death?

maybe one day I'll be strong enough to forgive

the ones who hold their knives to my throat

and demand a blessing that gives them liberty

but that silence from the heavens is particularly galling

oh what's a Christ to do?

Content (c) 2008-2011 Philip Milito.

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