Friday, October 9, 2015


don't be so proud of yourself

you're fresh from therapy

and ready to correct everyone else

(just like a religious convert)

when all you're doing is extending

the scope of your personal reign of terror

you see now why no one including your friends

takes you seriously

ask them if they'll really be honest with you

they'll put you through some "intervention"

and all they'll be talking about

is extensions of themselves trying to save you

and themselves in one neat realization

no one should be proud of this until they can really be honest

and if there's still dissension

then hold the mirror up to yourself

even knowing what's wrong with you

can become an excuse to hide behind

and the whole show your own exposure

even if I get involved out of compassion's sake

I'll hope to know enough to listen much and speak little

and never thank you for the good you thought you were doing

Content (c) 2008-2015 Philip Milito.

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