Friday, September 5, 2014


Idiots With Attitude

this generation especially

more than previous ones

what's wrong with you sociopaths?

why did your parents and grandparents

have such a need to crank out more replications

of themselves than this world could bear?

didn't anyone ever once think of one word: sodomy?

beheading journalists in the eternal hell

of the psychotic Middle East

or a girl repeatedly stabbed by her friends

in the name of some fictional game character

share the same diseased pathology

drones with no proclivities for social interaction

working and living from inside their isolated psyches

and we must bless their anti-life endeavors?

thank you all inhuman bipeds for sharing your alienation

and thank you cogs in the wheels of business and finance

who want the wealth and the glory off someone else's back

as if this tyrant mode (the sureness sign of weakness) were a sure

way to power (and it is as long as other drones buy into it)

for enabling this hell to happen

(how easy to do without a mind or a heart)

thank you thank you thank you all

you IWA

for hunting me and mine down for not kowtowing

to your fever dream of a correct paradise

your consequences will never afflict you

soon enough to suit me

Content (c) 2008-2014 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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