life on earth is hell
because we are all
mirrors of each others
and we hate ourselves so...
even the good struggles
against all the evil
we've amassed
lifetime after lifetime
and has little chance
because grace is so weak
and perfection spoils
all amendment
nothing's ever good
ever perfect enough
but all terms run out
and all terms close out a sentence
and what could be more heavenly
than release?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Friday, August 30, 2013
Orwell got it right
the soulless ones
have taken over the apparatus
you're so careful
not to put out anything you'd regret
others finding out
and it's already out there
ready to bite your ass
the moment you step out of line
and ideas like hope
and faith and perfection
all leave much to be desired
when all you can do is be grateful
when everything's peaceful because
no one's looking for you...
oh Orwell got it right
the wrong ones got control
and it isn't so much that
the bad guys won as it is
there are no good guys...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the soulless ones
have taken over the apparatus
you're so careful
not to put out anything you'd regret
others finding out
and it's already out there
ready to bite your ass
the moment you step out of line
and ideas like hope
and faith and perfection
all leave much to be desired
when all you can do is be grateful
when everything's peaceful because
no one's looking for you...
oh Orwell got it right
the wrong ones got control
and it isn't so much that
the bad guys won as it is
there are no good guys...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
drained of any inclination to connect
with my fellow souls (the fools...the wretches...)
I'd rather watch the whole parade
of malice and mendacity
pass like a turd from creation's anus...
what a waste of a soul's living
to live in the compromised earth...
oh I know...we're here to learn something...
but is the cost ever worth the suffering?
I say no...I say divine demands are absurd at best...
trapping you in the very imperatives
we are to overcome as if rubbing our nose
in the very shit we're trying to transcend
would not reaffirm 'like begets like' and teach us
something new...oh the vicious petty evil fools
who get a pass while the good suffer endlessly...
but then why complain? is it worth your time to argue
with the saps coursing the stem or to challenge the sun
as it draws the buds out of their seeds?
this is just the way it is...
creation an stinking imperfect turd sliding out
of a perfect asshole...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
with my fellow souls (the fools...the wretches...)
I'd rather watch the whole parade
of malice and mendacity
pass like a turd from creation's anus...
what a waste of a soul's living
to live in the compromised earth...
oh I know...we're here to learn something...
but is the cost ever worth the suffering?
I say no...I say divine demands are absurd at best...
trapping you in the very imperatives
we are to overcome as if rubbing our nose
in the very shit we're trying to transcend
would not reaffirm 'like begets like' and teach us
something new...oh the vicious petty evil fools
who get a pass while the good suffer endlessly...
but then why complain? is it worth your time to argue
with the saps coursing the stem or to challenge the sun
as it draws the buds out of their seeds?
this is just the way it is...
creation an stinking imperfect turd sliding out
of a perfect asshole...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
I love the low leaning light of
approaching sunset
to me nothing in life
is more beautiful or soothing
(unless it be the violet or pale olive
afterglow of twilight itself...)
this is all I need of a day
this is all the growing peace I want...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
approaching sunset
to me nothing in life
is more beautiful or soothing
(unless it be the violet or pale olive
afterglow of twilight itself...)
this is all I need of a day
this is all the growing peace I want...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
all right
you've heard everyone weigh in
death is nothing
and life continues after we die
or there is nothing after death
and everything just stops
also good
if you live you live
and if you don't then how would you know?
just breathe aware alive
and deal with your matters at hand
and the last thing here will be to die
and find out the truth for
Content (c) 200802913 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
you've heard everyone weigh in
death is nothing
and life continues after we die
or there is nothing after death
and everything just stops
also good
if you live you live
and if you don't then how would you know?
just breathe aware alive
and deal with your matters at hand
and the last thing here will be to die
and find out the truth for
Content (c) 200802913 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Why preach?
Everyone knows the score
And who needs a windbag to add
To their troubles…?
What promises of an imaginary paradise
Can compare with the mere silence of being alone
With yourself…your own reflections
All the finger-wagging you need?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Say what you will…
Something in plain sight hides
And will overtake you
When you look aside off your path
And imagine a quick death that will
Release your soul from your earthly torments
And return to some place you cannot know
In your own skin
And say what you will…
But it will be a place beyond anything
You’ve envisioned for yourself
The justice of metaphysical fact
Will fill your mouth with a different sound
Then say what you will…
It’ll be truer to the actuality of the Only Reality
Then you’d known while you were here
And with it
A growing recall leaving you regretful or bemused
You yourself that thing in plain sight
And nothing over…
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Through the turgid day
No sound but muffled mouths
And muted moans
No clear reasons
And no straight answers
And not one handing hand
Without a joy buzzer in the palm
Then on into night
Air as thick as a wall of plaster
Through which we push
To get back to the precarious
Safety of home and this in some alleged
New Age in the galaxy that resembles
The old one grinning in its calm
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
let the world pass by...
by this bank is my heaven
in this water is my renewal
let the world pass
and take with it every misery
punishing us into our enlightenment...
this creek is the end of enlightenment
a world gone by and a salvation gained...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
I strive to catch up...
I don't want to be left behind
from you
much as I love my solitude
I love you more
we bring up the rear
wherever we are and that's fine
as long as it's us...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. all rights reserved.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
all I've learned
stands me in no stead
this much is done
but look what lies ahead
every past glory
is another chain holding you down
and all you'll do is add links
unless you break that chain
at its weakest link...
ego...your ego...
this identity we lock ourselves in
until we slip the shackles
and run like hell through the blue
morning mists of Master's preserve...
every hound of earth in pursuit...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
stands me in no stead
this much is done
but look what lies ahead
every past glory
is another chain holding you down
and all you'll do is add links
unless you break that chain
at its weakest link...
ego...your ego...
this identity we lock ourselves in
until we slip the shackles
and run like hell through the blue
morning mists of Master's preserve...
every hound of earth in pursuit...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
vindication means nothing
to the rare one who knows
he was right
it doesn't matter to him
that the rest of the world
has finally caught up
but being merely human
some like him might still
have some snark to express
well let them be at it
there's nothing perfect
in this dicey creation
and whose heard of a diamond
without flaws?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
to the rare one who knows
he was right
it doesn't matter to him
that the rest of the world
has finally caught up
but being merely human
some like him might still
have some snark to express
well let them be at it
there's nothing perfect
in this dicey creation
and whose heard of a diamond
without flaws?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
someone you've never heard of
will bless you somehow
and leave you wondering
how alone you really are
now you consider the possibilities
you've always ignored
somewhere a thread ties you to a destiny
you cannot figure in this knotted moment in the world...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
will bless you somehow
and leave you wondering
how alone you really are
now you consider the possibilities
you've always ignored
somewhere a thread ties you to a destiny
you cannot figure in this knotted moment in the world...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
on the earth or in the heavens
it's a crowded creation
souls dragging their chains
from dimension to dimension
with a shitload of sins to pay off
and no matter whether they're still
wearing their pomp like masquerade costumes
or still insist on raging against the reality
of Reality they pass through levels
like lovers chasing each other through mansion rooms
while others attend and mutter
"eh why complain?"
all shoulder to shoulder in everything
on the earth or in the heavens...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
it's a crowded creation
souls dragging their chains
from dimension to dimension
with a shitload of sins to pay off
and no matter whether they're still
wearing their pomp like masquerade costumes
or still insist on raging against the reality
of Reality they pass through levels
like lovers chasing each other through mansion rooms
while others attend and mutter
"eh why complain?"
all shoulder to shoulder in everything
on the earth or in the heavens...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
fading summer
and soon
the dark part of the year
a brief passage through
the earth's night
then equally brief
the return of light
blooming summer
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
...but really
it could be any street
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
I leave you to your angers
even as mine consume me
in my focus to transcend
just because I've gone beyond
some pale does not mean
I've rejoined the Ineffable...
oh there is far more to go
and my angers leave you to yours on your own way...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
even as mine consume me
in my focus to transcend
just because I've gone beyond
some pale does not mean
I've rejoined the Ineffable...
oh there is far more to go
and my angers leave you to yours on your own way...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
here is yet another place
that is right here...
but over there somewhere...
behind the veil
there is nowhere else...
so going forth
is no issue and
no grief
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
so much where
I'd rather be...
get there
I'll have to see
I manage or am allowed...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
other than myself
that passing train exists
or seems to...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
a small walk along an empty street
and a row of garages in the morning sun
I would call this moment heavenly
but I know better now
it is only a vacant place
in the earth
and no less so
for my presence
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Monday, August 26, 2013
yet another prison of self
dull beyond belief
and nothing else...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
balls from top to bottom
this has been one of those days
that make you think the whole of creation
is filled with nothing but assholes...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
this has been one of those days
that make you think the whole of creation
is filled with nothing but assholes...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Election season
(that yearly tongue on the third rail)
is drawing near
and I wonder if I'll bother...
there's no such thing
as a 'lesser evil' anymore
and do I really want to hold my nose
and go into the booth
cast my vote for some shameless asshole
then have to go straight home
to take three consecutive baths
to wash the filth from me?
(and to whoever 'socially responsible' imbecile
who'll challenge this I'll give in advance
a hardy and eternal 'fuck you..."...
thank you so much for being
part of the problem you think
you're an answer to...)
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
(that yearly tongue on the third rail)
is drawing near
and I wonder if I'll bother...
there's no such thing
as a 'lesser evil' anymore
and do I really want to hold my nose
and go into the booth
cast my vote for some shameless asshole
then have to go straight home
to take three consecutive baths
to wash the filth from me?
(and to whoever 'socially responsible' imbecile
who'll challenge this I'll give in advance
a hardy and eternal 'fuck you..."...
thank you so much for being
part of the problem you think
you're an answer to...)
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
if I think too long
about the ones who claimed to love me so
I'll grab a gun and track each one down
and kill them for each time
they did me down and disrespected me...
so I don't think too long
why would I want to ruin my own path
toward some repentance and atonement
by letting myself be dragged down
into their sins and punishments?
the helping hand toward another is one thing
and overly identifying with your fellow creature
is quite another and you'd be wise to only answer a genuine plea
and that will be to the benefit of you both...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
about the ones who claimed to love me so
I'll grab a gun and track each one down
and kill them for each time
they did me down and disrespected me...
so I don't think too long
why would I want to ruin my own path
toward some repentance and atonement
by letting myself be dragged down
into their sins and punishments?
the helping hand toward another is one thing
and overly identifying with your fellow creature
is quite another and you'd be wise to only answer a genuine plea
and that will be to the benefit of you both...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
I feel ashamed this bright morning
awake to the ignorance that set my bounds
I bounced again my fences and only too late
understood the power of life to break life
its process as sure as the driving seasons
that are powered by it as its unimpeachable source
and before I let go every memory of folly that forms my content
makes me ashamed this bright morning....
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
awake to the ignorance that set my bounds
I bounced again my fences and only too late
understood the power of life to break life
its process as sure as the driving seasons
that are powered by it as its unimpeachable source
and before I let go every memory of folly that forms my content
makes me ashamed this bright morning....
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
do you believe me now when I say to you
there's nothing to fear and plenty to do?
hold my own ignorance against me
if you don't want to face what I've faced
but everyone gets there at some time or another
and the facts either kill them outright
or waken them to the falsity of their lives until then
and then they believe what they will believe
such is the relativity of all truths within One Irrefutable Reality...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
there's nothing to fear and plenty to do?
hold my own ignorance against me
if you don't want to face what I've faced
but everyone gets there at some time or another
and the facts either kill them outright
or waken them to the falsity of their lives until then
and then they believe what they will believe
such is the relativity of all truths within One Irrefutable Reality...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the blurs of the aether whip to clarity
and I have crossed over
into the world encompassing the world I left
everything more brilliant than I could earthly imagine
everything I thought was it's only thing
is revealed in the matrix of what it is
what did I fear but my ignorance
my forgetfulness of the One Reality
oh fool wasting a life in a skin
and all the scales that drew across my eyes
blinding me to all I could see
a helmet to block out all I knew for sure
oh nothing but eternity ahead
now that I can see clearly I'm ashamed at all I had seen until now...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
and I have crossed over
into the world encompassing the world I left
everything more brilliant than I could earthly imagine
everything I thought was it's only thing
is revealed in the matrix of what it is
what did I fear but my ignorance
my forgetfulness of the One Reality
oh fool wasting a life in a skin
and all the scales that drew across my eyes
blinding me to all I could see
a helmet to block out all I knew for sure
oh nothing but eternity ahead
now that I can see clearly I'm ashamed at all I had seen until now...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Friday, August 23, 2013
dying of thirst in a blazing sun
I dream of swollen rivers
flooding under a dark humid sky
the clammy coolness covering
sore-ridden skin that aches for
the soothing flush of a racing brook
as the damp bank evaporates
and the hot sand receives and enervates my dream...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
I dream of swollen rivers
flooding under a dark humid sky
the clammy coolness covering
sore-ridden skin that aches for
the soothing flush of a racing brook
as the damp bank evaporates
and the hot sand receives and enervates my dream...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
this morning I rule
no world but my own
no different from
any other morning
except today I'm keenly aware
of the total meaning of that knowledge
as if I were a hiker stranded
in the desert at high noon
and no cars passing
and in some fatal delirium
commanding rocks to dance
which they do but only in my head
as I rule no way but a passage
out of the blazing day into bright dark....
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
no world but my own
no different from
any other morning
except today I'm keenly aware
of the total meaning of that knowledge
as if I were a hiker stranded
in the desert at high noon
and no cars passing
and in some fatal delirium
commanding rocks to dance
which they do but only in my head
as I rule no way but a passage
out of the blazing day into bright dark....
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
here in this working world
our daily toil is our daily lesson
regardless of what we gain or lose
all that is ours is the knowledge
of which is which and how
having none of it is best...
you do not wish a finish
on anything by imagining it done
here in this working world...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
our daily toil is our daily lesson
regardless of what we gain or lose
all that is ours is the knowledge
of which is which and how
having none of it is best...
you do not wish a finish
on anything by imagining it done
here in this working world...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
you lie to yourself
when you say all is well
no one else needs
your delusions to get by
so why should you?
you won't vanish
in a blaze of auras
if you admit you haven't a clue
what you did to deserve
the live you've lived
or the reason for your penance...
you'd do better just to stop and blank out
know you've been defeated and find
right where you are where to start fresh...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
when you say all is well
no one else needs
your delusions to get by
so why should you?
you won't vanish
in a blaze of auras
if you admit you haven't a clue
what you did to deserve
the live you've lived
or the reason for your penance...
you'd do better just to stop and blank out
know you've been defeated and find
right where you are where to start fresh...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
we will not wait
(in fact we don't have to...)
before we know it
our next choice is upon us
and even if we think we know
what we'll do and have all in order and in place
still will the moment be like nothing we knew
like nothing we thought we waited for...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
(in fact we don't have to...)
before we know it
our next choice is upon us
and even if we think we know
what we'll do and have all in order and in place
still will the moment be like nothing we knew
like nothing we thought we waited for...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the water recedes and the mud dries
and out of the blazing fire built on the beach
hands reach out of licking flames
up...up...reaching up into the air
as above
so below
we rise up out of the flames
and into the fiery sky...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
and out of the blazing fire built on the beach
hands reach out of licking flames
up...up...reaching up into the air
as above
so below
we rise up out of the flames
and into the fiery sky...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
up through the trees...
what is it that entices?
what fools us into imaginings of forever?
the sun...innocent of everything...
and so a target for our gripes...
oh it warms in our tiny earthly forever
it fuels our growth and our decay
in this world nothing's above the trees but the sun...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
love life so much?
then cling to it
with all your cowardice
and die of the very self-interest
that dooms you from the start
there is no forgiving mind
there is no merciful heart
...except what you bring to saving yourself?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
then cling to it
with all your cowardice
and die of the very self-interest
that dooms you from the start
there is no forgiving mind
there is no merciful heart
...except what you bring to saving yourself?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the only freedom
is obedience
to a malignancy
a power-mad force
that created us
to assuage it's own vanity
and now you know
life is cowering before this Master's whip...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Where the hell is Harryhausen's octopus???
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved. Photos by PM.
Monday, August 12, 2013
I will not miss you
because I won't have gone anywhere
and neither will you
our skins do not divide us
from ourselves or others or anything
and if you love life then nothing will dismay you
but if you were looking for an out
my friend you'll be sadly mistaken...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
because I won't have gone anywhere
and neither will you
our skins do not divide us
from ourselves or others or anything
and if you love life then nothing will dismay you
but if you were looking for an out
my friend you'll be sadly mistaken...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
dead ends are dead ends
and sometimes you're finished
before your body is...
and when it catches up to you
dead ends open into something else
and you wonder why you worried...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
and sometimes you're finished
before your body is...
and when it catches up to you
dead ends open into something else
and you wonder why you worried...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
in our minds
this land is the ground for all our happenings...
it is only for a little while
but in itself is a manifestation
of whatever 'forevers' we may choose...
tread this ground without concern
on this we praise our achievements
on this we mourn our ruins...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved. Photo by the author.
Friday, August 9, 2013
I get listless at the thought
of having to press on
day dwindling down
night mounting the sky
but I was fooled by my body
into thinking this was all
and tired led to weary
and weary to fitful rest
bodies return to dust
and we all press on
this we realize afterward
when listlessness is gone
night dwindling away
when we enter that permanent day...I guess...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
of having to press on
day dwindling down
night mounting the sky
but I was fooled by my body
into thinking this was all
and tired led to weary
and weary to fitful rest
bodies return to dust
and we all press on
this we realize afterward
when listlessness is gone
night dwindling away
when we enter that permanent day...I guess...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
I let some lionesses go
they ran for the hills
while the Kings lazed around
waiting for something good to eat
I watched this scene
and thought heavily on humans I know
in places where the bars were part decor
as zookeeper and feeder I should know better and do...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
they ran for the hills
while the Kings lazed around
waiting for something good to eat
I watched this scene
and thought heavily on humans I know
in places where the bars were part decor
as zookeeper and feeder I should know better and do...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
well, Sony has released "Pretty Saro" on YouTube
as a teaser for the upcoming release
of the Bootleg Series No. 10...
aside from being another slap at the tone-deaf
ignoramuses who still insist "Dylan Can't Sing"
it and the other fragments highlighted previously suggest
this may be a superior release to the original...
hard to say without hearing it full...
I'm not famous...therefore I do not exist
to these proud custodians of our culture
(academic critical and fiscal)
and so will not be invited to any pre-release
listening parties
but since Dylan's connection to the Divine
was seemingly broken by the famous motorcycle accident
he's had the habit of burying absolute gems in the vault
while utilizing inferior material
(oh I know...not for me to judge...maybe...
but as a working artist I understand why one piece goes into a work
and why one comes out...see Bootleg 8's version of
"Someday Baby"...more interesting and inventive
than the Muddy waters re-hash that appeared on Modern Times...
but the Waters re-hash fit the thematic concerns of MT more exactly...)
Self-Portrait was the first instance of the cyclical nature of Dylan's work...
having gone beyond the pale and come back with the alchemist's gold
of The Basement Tapes and John Wesley Harding
he returned to the music that formed him as an artist
(think years later of Good As I Been To You and World Gone Wrong)
and if he weren't so angered by the public's conception of him
as some Be-All End-All prophet that he made a sloppy job of SP
it seems in his maturity he's sanctioned a stronger set that finally
illuminated the album guiding principle i.e. "this is the music
that formed me and my art"
"Pretty Saro" "Tell Old Bill" even his friend Eric Andersen's "Thirsty Boots"
all great performances that a common fan would say should've been
on the original...but so what? it's here now and I suspect will be worth the wait...
high talk for something that for promotional purposes has been exposed
in dribs and drabs...but as a long time Dylan close listener
I think these pre-conjectures before the fact won't be too off the mark...
after all these years...and in years to come...even the Great Dylan will finally
"have to stand naked"
but I'm sure he'll be damned if he caves to that...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
as a teaser for the upcoming release
of the Bootleg Series No. 10...
aside from being another slap at the tone-deaf
ignoramuses who still insist "Dylan Can't Sing"
it and the other fragments highlighted previously suggest
this may be a superior release to the original...
hard to say without hearing it full...
I'm not famous...therefore I do not exist
to these proud custodians of our culture
(academic critical and fiscal)
and so will not be invited to any pre-release
listening parties
but since Dylan's connection to the Divine
was seemingly broken by the famous motorcycle accident
he's had the habit of burying absolute gems in the vault
while utilizing inferior material
(oh I know...not for me to judge...maybe...
but as a working artist I understand why one piece goes into a work
and why one comes out...see Bootleg 8's version of
"Someday Baby"...more interesting and inventive
than the Muddy waters re-hash that appeared on Modern Times...
but the Waters re-hash fit the thematic concerns of MT more exactly...)
Self-Portrait was the first instance of the cyclical nature of Dylan's work...
having gone beyond the pale and come back with the alchemist's gold
of The Basement Tapes and John Wesley Harding
he returned to the music that formed him as an artist
(think years later of Good As I Been To You and World Gone Wrong)
and if he weren't so angered by the public's conception of him
as some Be-All End-All prophet that he made a sloppy job of SP
it seems in his maturity he's sanctioned a stronger set that finally
illuminated the album guiding principle i.e. "this is the music
that formed me and my art"
"Pretty Saro" "Tell Old Bill" even his friend Eric Andersen's "Thirsty Boots"
all great performances that a common fan would say should've been
on the original...but so what? it's here now and I suspect will be worth the wait...
high talk for something that for promotional purposes has been exposed
in dribs and drabs...but as a long time Dylan close listener
I think these pre-conjectures before the fact won't be too off the mark...
after all these years...and in years to come...even the Great Dylan will finally
"have to stand naked"
but I'm sure he'll be damned if he caves to that...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
if I worried about anything
it would be where
I laid down my body
when this run is done
and even that's false...
wherever you are
you'll drop where you stop
and those you love still in flesh
will mourn the carcass
you fled in ultimate relief...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
it would be where
I laid down my body
when this run is done
and even that's false...
wherever you are
you'll drop where you stop
and those you love still in flesh
will mourn the carcass
you fled in ultimate relief...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
asteroids by the dozen
suddenly go whizzing past the earth
a weekly event
where have they all come from?
did we just never notice?
or is some long predicted
catastrophe finally arriving after
coming all the years of our lives?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
suddenly go whizzing past the earth
a weekly event
where have they all come from?
did we just never notice?
or is some long predicted
catastrophe finally arriving after
coming all the years of our lives?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
you were told it's over
told that it's done
told that for you I
wasn't the holy one
but the mistake was plain
and no reason was left
I used words to tell you
but you are deaf
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
how wisely and well and much you've loved
the quality of your simple daily service to all
the grace with which you surrender all that was loaned to you
in this earthly lifetime are the qualities for which you strive
these open doors that are not doors and collapse walls
that aren't there but for any illusion that puts them there
and is dangerous because illusion is real
it is an existing condition blocking and distort our way
and so it is in your love and service and detachment
that qualities stop being qualities and the only reality
there really is manifests in their actualities...translation?
get the hell over yourself get the hell over yourself
get the hell over yourself get the hell over yourself
how much easier can it get...once you get real?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the quality of your simple daily service to all
the grace with which you surrender all that was loaned to you
in this earthly lifetime are the qualities for which you strive
these open doors that are not doors and collapse walls
that aren't there but for any illusion that puts them there
and is dangerous because illusion is real
it is an existing condition blocking and distort our way
and so it is in your love and service and detachment
that qualities stop being qualities and the only reality
there really is manifests in their actualities...translation?
get the hell over yourself get the hell over yourself
get the hell over yourself get the hell over yourself
how much easier can it get...once you get real?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
creativity at most transforms the world
and at its very least swabs the daily wounds
in the iodine of hope
how tref life would be if we couldn't imagine
something better....
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
and at its very least swabs the daily wounds
in the iodine of hope
how tref life would be if we couldn't imagine
something better....
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
oh how I miss the days
of unrepentant rage
of unreflecting choice of sides
and the power to smash who stood against us...
it was always bullshit of course
but we didn't know better at that time...
now we do and it complicates everything...
love and forgiveness of our enemies?
love of another as one's self?
yeah we heard rumors to that effect
but now that high consciousness subsumes
our myopic ignorance and we've risen above that standard
oh I'm so tired of the unending questing and long
for the simpler times of blood and satisfaction...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
of unrepentant rage
of unreflecting choice of sides
and the power to smash who stood against us...
it was always bullshit of course
but we didn't know better at that time...
now we do and it complicates everything...
love and forgiveness of our enemies?
love of another as one's self?
yeah we heard rumors to that effect
but now that high consciousness subsumes
our myopic ignorance and we've risen above that standard
oh I'm so tired of the unending questing and long
for the simpler times of blood and satisfaction...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
you think you're entitled to your say
so you spin your ignorant bullshit
as if it were gospel and screw what anyone
else has to say
what you say goes
(spoiled as you were by your Peter Pan parents
who never recognized how privileged they were
or how false and compromised their positions)
but why bother saying anything when all is just
a cacophony of horseshit flying through
the ears of assholes from the mouths of assholes
you think I'm being too harsh? not at all...
this is my penance for thinking I was outside this box
by recognizing it as a box...this too was delusion...and why I'm one with you...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Phiip Milito. All rights reserved.
so you spin your ignorant bullshit
as if it were gospel and screw what anyone
else has to say
what you say goes
(spoiled as you were by your Peter Pan parents
who never recognized how privileged they were
or how false and compromised their positions)
but why bother saying anything when all is just
a cacophony of horseshit flying through
the ears of assholes from the mouths of assholes
you think I'm being too harsh? not at all...
this is my penance for thinking I was outside this box
by recognizing it as a box...this too was delusion...and why I'm one with you...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Phiip Milito. All rights reserved.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
shadows thin as skeletons
cast themselves in the late light
a saffron twilight covers the western sky
and announces the end of this day
we all mount the sidewalks like stairs
leading up in apartments
like storied crypts with a view
for timid ghosts to look on the night and kibitz...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito.
cast themselves in the late light
a saffron twilight covers the western sky
and announces the end of this day
we all mount the sidewalks like stairs
leading up in apartments
like storied crypts with a view
for timid ghosts to look on the night and kibitz...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito.
every day I wander
in some strange new world
nothing I know is left
so I'm relieved of invitations
to nostalgia and
useless mourning
and young'uns tell me
they too find no trace
of what they've known and loved
(and I must take their word
because I never knew their world)
every day we all wander
damned if we know where
we're going to wind up next...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
in some strange new world
nothing I know is left
so I'm relieved of invitations
to nostalgia and
useless mourning
and young'uns tell me
they too find no trace
of what they've known and loved
(and I must take their word
because I never knew their world)
every day we all wander
damned if we know where
we're going to wind up next...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
I watched you
dissolve into a normal everyday human form
not the goddess on some pedestal
but the Goddess Incarnate
in the daily prison of the skin and the earth
the yearning soul beating underneath
powering the desire that fuels the love
in common that moves us together in one motion
against the walls of this world that would
teach us obedience to some Grand Notion
that only engenders resentment instead of
receiving the due it expects...doesn't even God know
I watched you
dissolve into the only lovable form there is?
demand and you'll never receive
not even the Lord and the demands for obedience
either you love or you don't
by God's Own Will...and since this God
is so foreign to us despite empowering everything
and being our very Essence
can you see why I love you more
not some unbelievable ideal...but real...and here...and now...?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
dissolve into a normal everyday human form
not the goddess on some pedestal
but the Goddess Incarnate
in the daily prison of the skin and the earth
the yearning soul beating underneath
powering the desire that fuels the love
in common that moves us together in one motion
against the walls of this world that would
teach us obedience to some Grand Notion
that only engenders resentment instead of
receiving the due it expects...doesn't even God know
I watched you
dissolve into the only lovable form there is?
demand and you'll never receive
not even the Lord and the demands for obedience
either you love or you don't
by God's Own Will...and since this God
is so foreign to us despite empowering everything
and being our very Essence
can you see why I love you more
not some unbelievable ideal...but real...and here...and now...?
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
this morning I was philosophical
this afternoon I want to lock and load
and take the Almighty's business into my own hands...
this evening I'll probably feel depleted
and enjoy a nice healthful dinner
and watch a classic movie on DVD
and huddle with my sweetie and say to hell with the world...
there are so many of us in this world like this
enraged and empowered
then diminished and defeated when we understand
we really don't know where it's at
and a night's sleep will show us dreams
that will explain much but be forgotten as we awaken
to another philosophical morning
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
this afternoon I want to lock and load
and take the Almighty's business into my own hands...
this evening I'll probably feel depleted
and enjoy a nice healthful dinner
and watch a classic movie on DVD
and huddle with my sweetie and say to hell with the world...
there are so many of us in this world like this
enraged and empowered
then diminished and defeated when we understand
we really don't know where it's at
and a night's sleep will show us dreams
that will explain much but be forgotten as we awaken
to another philosophical morning
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
how many times can you say goodbye
without leaving?
I've questioned this before and now I know...
in each instant of what we call "time"
we are destroyed and re-created
we are not who we were a minute ago
and we are not what we will be
in the next minute...
like cells we multiple in ourselves
and remain what we if there are
no words to combine "goodbye" and "hello"
then why try to say anything?
it is happening in the simple intake
of breath that is hello and goodbye...
Contenrt (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
without leaving?
I've questioned this before and now I know...
in each instant of what we call "time"
we are destroyed and re-created
we are not who we were a minute ago
and we are not what we will be
in the next minute...
like cells we multiple in ourselves
and remain what we if there are
no words to combine "goodbye" and "hello"
then why try to say anything?
it is happening in the simple intake
of breath that is hello and goodbye...
Contenrt (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Monday, August 5, 2013
you think I know what I'm talking about
when I say words like I love you?
don't be fooled...the intent may be right
but oh God/Goddess/Whatever Almighty
how much of our hungry greedy shit
gets in there to ruin a perfectly wonderful...what?
moment in eternity? karmic blood vow from past lives?
vow to be true or betrayal to expose our blanant selfishness?
and how mindblowing would it be
to think it was sincere...honest...totally level in front?
hungers of hell or appetites for the Ineffable
it's all one in our moment make it what we will
the perpetual pressure of doing right whenever we open our mouths
to say words like I love you...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
when I say words like I love you?
don't be fooled...the intent may be right
but oh God/Goddess/Whatever Almighty
how much of our hungry greedy shit
gets in there to ruin a perfectly wonderful...what?
moment in eternity? karmic blood vow from past lives?
vow to be true or betrayal to expose our blanant selfishness?
and how mindblowing would it be
to think it was sincere...honest...totally level in front?
hungers of hell or appetites for the Ineffable
it's all one in our moment make it what we will
the perpetual pressure of doing right whenever we open our mouths
to say words like I love you...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
to walk between two ages
one you are a product of
and the other anew thing
where you're automatically remaindered
isn't too different from the prophets of old
coming out of wildernesses everything
to say woe to Jerusalem
you're in the middle of nowhere
and the hot blazing sands are
up to your balls and all you can think of
is a tall cold drink of water
Living or otherwise
you don't care as long as it soothes
fiery nuts and impossible thirst...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
one you are a product of
and the other anew thing
where you're automatically remaindered
isn't too different from the prophets of old
coming out of wildernesses everything
to say woe to Jerusalem
you're in the middle of nowhere
and the hot blazing sands are
up to your balls and all you can think of
is a tall cold drink of water
Living or otherwise
you don't care as long as it soothes
fiery nuts and impossible thirst...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
I would have life be sweeter
but the Ineffable has other ideas
and those conditions of our created reality
are firm despite what we dream
oh I once thought self-forgiveness was the hardest thing
but I was mistaken I was misled
acceptance is the hardest thing since the sweetness
of acquiescence has after all the most bitter tang
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
but the Ineffable has other ideas
and those conditions of our created reality
are firm despite what we dream
oh I once thought self-forgiveness was the hardest thing
but I was mistaken I was misled
acceptance is the hardest thing since the sweetness
of acquiescence has after all the most bitter tang
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
it isn't long before we shut the gate behind us
and who is with us is with us and those who didn't make it
will fend for die in a wilderness
or find the tribe to which they truly belong...
no agreed idea of salvation is valid
not when so many are on their own unique roads
and any agreed compromise is a betrayal to those
stumbling along their roads
be careful when you speak be careful when you moan
any huckster will work his way in and upset
the balance of each tribe's template
like the beggar beseeching for quarters to live
you must help him but if he spends it on a drunk
then the consequences are on him
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milto. All rigvhts reserved.
and who is with us is with us and those who didn't make it
will fend for die in a wilderness
or find the tribe to which they truly belong...
no agreed idea of salvation is valid
not when so many are on their own unique roads
and any agreed compromise is a betrayal to those
stumbling along their roads
be careful when you speak be careful when you moan
any huckster will work his way in and upset
the balance of each tribe's template
like the beggar beseeching for quarters to live
you must help him but if he spends it on a drunk
then the consequences are on him
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milto. All rigvhts reserved.
I'm excited and afraid
at what is to come
age doesn't matter in this...
what's done is done for so long
no trace remains in the world
and makes no invitation
to meaningless nostalgia
today's the deal as the pot sellers used to tell
those who complained about rising prices
I miss my herb but not so much
that I'd damage my progress for a taste
have a sip of wine (or O'Douls if your liver's shot)
I'm excited and afraid at what is to come
and here it is...and away we go...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
at what is to come
age doesn't matter in this...
what's done is done for so long
no trace remains in the world
and makes no invitation
to meaningless nostalgia
today's the deal as the pot sellers used to tell
those who complained about rising prices
I miss my herb but not so much
that I'd damage my progress for a taste
have a sip of wine (or O'Douls if your liver's shot)
I'm excited and afraid at what is to come
and here it is...and away we go...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
you kicked open a door
I thought was long sealed shut
you showed me a way
that had been littered with regret and remorse
and tipped me off to the ways around
these obstacles that I was so busy
paying too much attention to...
oh when your fantasy tells you to get real
you know something has come to an end
and a fresh start is only a re-awakening
to what still may be...I owe you this
to be the one who shook me from my sleep
and showed me there was a way unblocked
through that open door...
Content (c)2 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
I thought was long sealed shut
you showed me a way
that had been littered with regret and remorse
and tipped me off to the ways around
these obstacles that I was so busy
paying too much attention to...
oh when your fantasy tells you to get real
you know something has come to an end
and a fresh start is only a re-awakening
to what still may be...I owe you this
to be the one who shook me from my sleep
and showed me there was a way unblocked
through that open door...
Content (c)2 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Friday, August 2, 2013
my childish beliefs
have finally left
and I am left with
my consequence…
every couple of days
I think this
because every couple of days
I see I missed
a warning sign
or indulged a habitual quirk
and another disgrace
peals another layer away
to show how deep
the childish runs...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
good morning
the low rising sun casts its copper light
on the building across the window
and every move leads to an emptiness
a lifetime of living
titivates under the skin like a fly
but nothing gets accomplished
nothing gets done
nothing happens but a daily paralysis
watching the sky fall and you're unable to run
morning and the day's wasted already
and to cling to life is to have
absolutely nothing to say
and talking talking talking incessantly anyway
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
the low rising sun casts its copper light
on the building across the window
and every move leads to an emptiness
a lifetime of living
titivates under the skin like a fly
but nothing gets accomplished
nothing gets done
nothing happens but a daily paralysis
watching the sky fall and you're unable to run
morning and the day's wasted already
and to cling to life is to have
absolutely nothing to say
and talking talking talking incessantly anyway
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
whatever celestial revolutions
are exploding across the heavens
the hard ground of earth
catches the plunging wreckage
of ill-fated flight
or the rains that water the seeds
ever planted by those
sowing with one eye to the sky
the circle joins here
in our wind-wrapped huddle
a clasp to hold our boundaries
so we do not spill before our rightful times
our force under the spewing detritus of stars
falling to earth like gold...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
are exploding across the heavens
the hard ground of earth
catches the plunging wreckage
of ill-fated flight
or the rains that water the seeds
ever planted by those
sowing with one eye to the sky
the circle joins here
in our wind-wrapped huddle
a clasp to hold our boundaries
so we do not spill before our rightful times
our force under the spewing detritus of stars
falling to earth like gold...
Content (c) 2008-2013 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.
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