Saturday, July 14, 2012

treacherous friends should be the first to go--

the ones who tell you how awesome you are

and how much they love you

but never keep in touch--

expect you to always make the first move to get together--

then if you do

you hang with them and are afraid to leave the room

for fear of what snarky shit they'll say behind your back--

some of these will even tell you how much they care

but won't visit you in hospital

or even send a card or make a call

when a loved one of yours passes on--

and then the self-serving excuse--

oh I'm sorry but I had so much going on--

once in a broken down moment she said I haven't been a very good friend--

I'm sorry I didn't say outright

no--you haven't been--but no matter now

her world is safe

she'll ride her fears to their ends

and no one she knows will have an honest thing to say

about her either--

Content (c) 2008-2012 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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