Wednesday, May 9, 2012

who am I now?

who was I ever?

I've released a past

that's inescapable

for what it has made me now

we carry our scars from life to life

each life a life sentence

that no amount of 'can-do' positive thinking

will efface

stop listening to these frauds these assholes

who are as much a part of our earthly problems

as the incorrigibly corrupt who oppose

all thought but their own hungers

their own ignorance their own mendacity

drawing all of us back into darkness

due to our Oneness

oh what in the name of all that's allegedly holy

is Grace to do when Grace Itself is too weak

to pierce the darkness?

oh hell is on earth and with the One's Vengeance

paramount to the love and mercy and forgiveness

that the One is supposed to be about

nothing we do will ease the suffering or show us the Light

all lives on earth are life sentences

and our only out is to sustain and be destroyed

Content (c) 2008-2012 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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