Saturday, May 12, 2012


two feet in my mouth

trying to encourage

someone I didn't know

to be strong

then I consulted an oracle

whose advice included

"pain is strong but love is painful

but to be sad is to be weak"

talk about your own advice

coming back to bite you in the ass

and all of this a rebuke to my sadness

and wrong-headed projection

fishing around for

what wasn't mine to have


how do my proceed?

why even ask this oracle?

the answers I got were no comfort

and told me nothing I didn't already know

except for how to sustain myself

when nothing in the universe

would budge for me


my vocation became clear

once again

this writing these overheated

philosophical ruminations

were what I do in the world

they serve anyone but me

but I guess that's the idea


we all want the short answer

the quick way out

but there isn't one

you get where you're going

slugging through the shit

and out of that

comes your destination into sight

scrape your shoes

you tread on sacred matter after all


the one I tried to advise

came back to confront

an explanation cleared the air

but still a bit of resentment flicked

despite the peace-making

no easy atonements

no "kiss to make it better"

but just the lessons

of caution and respect

nothing is forgiven

but all can be redeemed

scrape your shoes...


Content (c) 2008-2012 Philip Milito. All rights reserved.

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