I will be glad to be rid of this life
no more of God snatching away what I work to achieve
just as I'm about to attain it
no more doing what I can to repent and amend
and have it come to little or nothing
no more trying to do the right thing
only to have it explode in everyone's faces
I know now God is not love
but pure cold unforgiving vengeance
liability be damned
I owe up but so what?
the One still insists on the Price
being gouged out of us
well let it be that then
I was as foolish as anyone
with our limited self-serving ideas of religion
atonement is as nothing
because God's vengeance is primary
and it's just too bad if your religion doesn't
support your faith
religion politics law all of it
nothing but enslaving man-made concepts
doing nothing but keeping us
from the Infinite
and the One does it with our own acts
innocent stumbling or deliberate manipulation
you will pay and pay
and no amount of 'sorry' will make a difference
as you stumble and fuck up more and more
and all God can or will do is weep with you
cling to your fake religions
for all I know they work because
of the belief you invest in them
but for me I pay the price for vanity
for thinking I could arrive in good grace
at some resolution and atonement
after scrambling out the box of tradition
God wants you to transcend then blocks you
every step of the way
I have no idea how much more of this I can endure
but as the Light grows I diminish
and the happiest time of this life
will be leaving it
my good never good enough...
Content (c) 2008-2012 Philip Milito.